Jangddogddogi (Beef Braised with Soy Sauce)

[Local Foods]

Main Information

Main Information of the Food
Food Class/Categories Side food type > Dried meat or fish eaten with rice as side dishes > Slices of dried meat seasoned with spices > Other Type Jangddogddogi (Beef Braised with Soy Sauce)
Method Class/Categories Heating > Used the water
Ingredients beef round top round roast300g, garlic 10g (2 cloves), ginger 4g (1 piece), toasted sesame seeds1 tbsp, sesame seed oil 1 tbsp, soy sauce 2 tbsp, sugar 2 tbsp, water 2 tbsp, large green onion (white part only) 20g (1) <Seasoning for Beef> soy sauce 1 tbsp, sesame seed oil 1/2 tbsp, pinch of black pepper
Recipe 1. Use a lean cut of beef (beef round top round roast or eye of round). Thinly slice the beef and cut into strips (5×0.2×0.2cm). 2. Slice the white part of green onion into 3cm chunks and cut into 0.2cm wide strips. Peel the garlic and ginger and slice into fine strips. 3. Mix the beef with the seasoning sauce and mix well. Preheat a pot to make it really hot and sauté the beef. 4. Once the meat is cooked, stir in the broth (a mixture of soy sauce, sugar and water) and braise. Stir in the sliced green onions, garlic and ginger, and braise over low heat. 5. Once the broth boils down to sauce, add sesame seed oil and toasted sesame seeds and stir to give a sheen.
Area Gyeonggido

Analytical Information

Analytical Information of the Food
IPC A23L 13/00;A23L 27/50

Published Information

Published Information of the Food
Book Title Korea Traditional Local Food; 2-Seoul�Gyeonggi-do
ISBN 9788936309169
Page 341 ~341 / 487
Date 2008
Publisher Kyomunsa
DB Publishing Date 2010. 2. 12
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DOI https://doi.org/10.20928/KTKP.FOO.0000211431

※ This data is provided by the Rural Development Administration of Korea.
