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조동혁 (Donghyuk Jo) 논문수  · 이용수 10,878 · 피인용수 24

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사회과학 > 경영학 TOP 5% 사회과학 > 관광학 공학 > 산업공학 복합학 > 학제간연구 공학 > 컴퓨터학
  • 저자정보 . 논문
  • 공저자 . 저널

저자의 연구 키워드

저자의 연구 키워드
#개인 크래프팅
#고객충성도(Customer Loyalty)
#금융 서비스
#네트워크 외부성
#모바일 메신저 서비스
#문화관광(Cultural Tourism)
#문화관광축제(Cultural Tourism Festivals)
#브랜드 전환
#비즈니스 모델
#자료포락분석(Data Envelopment Analysis: DEA)
#지각된 가치
#지각된 위험
#지속적 사용
#체험만족(Experience Satisfaction)
#체험품질(Experience Quality)
#협업 크래프팅
#효율성 분석(Efficiency Analysis)
#Achievement Needs
#Authentic Leadership
#Brand Switching
#Business Model
#Career Coaching
#Career Commitment
#Career Planning
#Community Attachment
#Community Participation
#Continued Usage
#Continuous Usage Intention
#Director of Early Childhood Education Institution
#Ethical management
#Financial Services
#Importance Factor
#Industrial IoT Platform
#Innovative Behavior
#In-service education
#intellectual property
#Job Crafting
#Job Rotation
#Job Satisfaction
#Knowledge Service Firm
#learning flow
#Management Achievement
#Mediating effect
#Mobile instant messaging service
#Network Effect
#Organizational Attachment
#Organizational citizenship behavior
#Organizational Commitment
#Organizational Loyalty
#Organizational trust
#Parenting Stress
#Participation in parenting
#Perceived Organizational Support
#Perceived Risk
#Perceived Value
#Positive Psychological Capital
#quality of education service
#Rearing Attitudes
#Re-employment Intention
#Relationship Marketing
#Relationship Performance
#Relationship Quality
#Sales Coaching
#satisfaction of education
#Self Efficacy
#self-directed learning
#Sharing Economy
#Social Capital
#Supply Chain Partners"
#tchnological Innovation
#teacher’s self-efficacy
#Urban-Rural Complex Areas
#Work-family Conflict
#Working Mothers

저자의 논문

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