

컴패션메이트번역봉사 하려고 하는데 필기체를 못알아보겠어요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

영어로 좀 옮겨주세요^^빨리 해주시길 부탁드립니다ㅎㅎ

내 프로필 이미지
  • 질문수4
  • 채택률100.0%
  • 마감률100.0%
작성일2011.04.09 조회수 5,813
질문자 채택
1번째 답변
채택답변수 106
프로필 사진

번역, 통역, 영어 독해, 읽기 분야에서 활동

본인 입력 포함 정보
프로필 더보기






Dear Miss Julia,


Hello!! A blessed day with you and your's family,

I want to tell you that right now Agril is attending at the student center every weekend.

They make a review in writing and reading these. The children also listen to stories. these are

also times that they have time to play. know what, miss Julia it's been a big help for our children

to attend the lecture's at the dtudent center. now that she's in vacation on her school. Still she have something to be busy with. They still learn some lesson's although there's not in school.

During week-day's she's helping her family in their house. She do household's together with his brother. this coming month of June She'll going to enroll in grade 3. She  said that she can use what she have learn to the center.

   Again Miss Julia thank you much expect some letter from me. again take care always and we're praying for you,

   Thank you and God Bless You all..



Love in Christ

Alinda Peuz(Grand mother)

Agril Eumer P. Monal(Grand daughter)










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