KTKP Traditional Foods

Traditional Foods

Recipes and ingredients of
traditional foods recorded in ancient



Original text


Original image of 노루고기구이

煑半熟燒, 燒法見上。《居家必用》

Korean literature

Limwonsibyukji (林園十六志)

  • written by Seo Yu-gu (徐有榘)
  • circa 1835
  • Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies at Seoul National University held

A book known as Limwonsibyukji (林園十六志) or Limwongyeongjaesibyukji (林園經濟十六志). Written by Seo Yu-gu (徐有榘, 1764~1845) circa 1835 to call for improved agricultural policies and technology, it is in encyclopedic format and elaborates on rural economic policies and agricultural administration. It is a comprehensive work that expounds on the necessary skills and hobbies for noble men in rural areas. Seo compiled this book while referencing 800 texts of both Korean and Chinese literature, including the following: Haedongnongseo (海東農書), Gosasinseo (攷事新書), Jeungbosannimgyeongjae (增補山林經濟), Gwanongsocho (課農小抄), Bukhakeui (北學議), and Nonggajipseong (農家集成). However, as this book was written in Chinese characters, it was largely inaccessible to ordinary farmers. Nevertheless, as it was written by an official of relatively humble status, its content is considered to be far more diverse and comprehensive than Nongjajipseong (農事集成), which was the government's official recommendation. Out of a total of 113 volumes and 52 books, "Jeongjoji" (鼎俎志), in volumes 41 to 47, deals with food. It explains various types of food and recipes of the late Joseon dynasty. In particular, they are categorized as sikgamchwalyo (食鑑撮要), "essence for distinguishing food"; steamed dishes (炊餾之類); beverages (飮淸之類); confections (菓釘之類); blanched vegetables (咬茹之類); cutting and boiling methods (割烹之類); seasonings (味料之類); liquor (醞醅之類); and fasting methods (節食之類). A copy at the Kyujanggak Institute for Korean Studies at Seoul National University was referenced in the writing of this entry.

Analytical Information

Analytical Information of the Food
Code of food classification F-02-05-01-999
IPC A23L 13/00, A23L 5/10

Published Information

Published Information of the Food
DB Publishing Date 2013. 12. 31
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