2018년 11월 1일 배철수의 음악캠프 오프닝곡 제목이 궁금해요..
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작성일2018.11.02 조회수 237
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1번째 답변
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채택답변수 1만+받은감사수 148
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#NBA사랑하는사람 #MLB즐기는사람 #POP음악좋아하는사람

팝, R&B 4위, 해외프로야구 2위, 해외프로농구 1위 분야에서 활동

본인 입력 포함 정보
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라 부쉬(La Bouche)의 Unexpected Lovers (Feat. Melanie Thornton)입니다.

Unexpected Lovers

아티스트 La Bouche

앨범 A Moment Of Love|1997.12.02.

We were unexpected lovers
Not just ordinary lovers
Sharing unexpected love
Nights` true love, true love
We were unexpected lovers
Not just ordinary lovers
Sharing unexpected love
Nights` true love, true love
How can there be no love
No feelings of passion to
The way we were dancing love
How could it be untrue
We danced the night together
Until the morning light
Baby do you remember
The music was in our eyes
We were unexpected lovers
Not just ordinary lovers
Sharing unexpected love
Nights` true love, true love
We were unexpected lovers
Not just ordinary lovers
Sharing unexpected love
Nights` true love, true love
On that enchanted evening
A lovers romantic night
The moon and stars were shining
The sea was glowing bright
We spent the night together
Until the morning light
Baby do you remember
The music was in our eyes
We were unexpected lovers
Not just ordinary lovers
Sharing unexpected love
Nights` true love, true love
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
True love, true love
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
La la la la la la la la
True love, true love


위 답변은 답변작성자가 경험과 지식을 바탕으로 작성한 내용입니다. 포인트 선물할 때 참고해주세요.