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Using the Krakenex Python module, I am pulling in prices from the Kraken API and it arrives in the following format:
{u'result': {u'XXBTZEUR': {u'a': [u'214.79000', u'3'], u'c': [u'214.79416', u'2.27789000'], u'b': [u'214.15262', u'7'], u'h': [u'217.36000', u'217.36000'], u'l': [u'210.99999', u'210.99999'], u'o': u'214.01000', u'p': [u'213.77705', u'213.51830'], u't': [1360, 1499], u'v': [u'872.87753147', u'1036.51819483']}}, u'error': []}
(this is the output of 'ticker' in the code below)
With dictionary manipulation I can get the last closing price, in this case 214.79416:
last_close_raw = ticker["result"]["XXBTZEUR"]["c"]
last_close = last_close_raw[0]
This seems to work until I feed the closing prices into a list, at which point the u' reappears. This is the full code:
from time import strftime
import krakenex
k = krakenex.API()
x = []
y = []
count = 0
while count <= 9:
ticker = k.query_public('Ticker', {'pair': 'XXBTZEUR'})
last_close_raw = ticker["result"]["XXBTZEUR"]["c"]
last_close = last_close_raw[0]
timenow = strftime("%H:%M:%S")
print "%s ----> %s\n----------(%s)" % (timenow, last_close, count)
count += 1
print "x = ", x
print "y = ", y
This is the output:
23:07:03 ----> 214.79416
23:07:05 ----> 214.79416
23:07:06 ----> 214.79416
23:07:07 ----> 214.79416
23:07:07 ----> 214.79416
23:07:08 ----> 214.79416
23:07:09 ----> 214.79416
23:07:10 ----> 214.79416
23:07:11 ----> 214.79416
23:07:12 ----> 214.79416
x = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
y = [u'214.79416', u'214.79416', u'214.79416', u'214.79416', u'214.79416', u'214.79416', u'214.79416', u'214.79416', u'214.79416', u'214.79416']
Why does a list bring back the u'? I have even tried removing the first two characters from each price but this removes the first two digits, not the u'. Thoughts?
What bothers you is the difference between Unicode string and ASCII string. To remove the u
use encode
>>> a=u'214.79416'
>>> type(a)
<type 'unicode'>
>>> b = a.encode('ascii','ignore')
>>> type(b)
<type 'str'>
>>> b
Hope this will hepl.