in C# you can do stuff like :

var a = new {name = "cow", sound = "moooo", omg = "wtfbbq"};

and in Python you can do stuff like

a = t(name = "cow", sound = "moooo", omg = "wtfbbq")

Not by default, of course, but it's trivial to implement a class t that lets you do it. Infact I did exactly that when I was working with Python and found it incredibly handy for small throwaway containers where you want to be able to access the components by name rather than by index (which is easy to mix up).

Other than that detail, they are basically identical to tuples in the niche they serve.

In particular, I'm looking at this C# code now:

            "Default", // Route name
            "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
            new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults

and it's F# equivalent

type Route = { 
    controller : string
    action : string
    id : UrlParameter }

    "Default", // Route name
    "{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
    { controller = "Home"; action = "Index"; id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults

Which is both verbose and repetitive, not to mention rather annoying. How close can you get to this sort of syntax in F#? I don't mind jumping through some hoops (even flaming hoops!) now if it means it'll give me something useful to DRY up code like this.

  • Just to mention that anonymous types are not tuples in c# there are the Tuple classes - Ben Robinson

4 답변


I find it easier to do

let route = routes.MapRoute(
    "Default", // Route name
    "{controller}/{action}/{id}" // URL with parameters
route.Defaults.Add("controller", "Home")
route.Defaults.Add("action", "Index")


[ "controller", "Home"
  "action", "Index" ]
|> List.iter route.Defaults.Add

In F#, I would avoid calling overloads that accept anonymous types much as I would avoid calling an F# method accepting FSharpList from C#. Those are language-specific features. Usually there is a language-agnostic overload/workaround available.


Just looked at the docs--here's yet another way to do it

let inline (=>) a b = a, box b

let defaults = dict [
  "controller" => "Home"
  "action"     => "Index" 
route.Defaults <- RouteValueDictionary(defaults)

  • +1 This is definitely nicer. I didn't know that there is a more sensible overload for Add - I should use that in my ASP.NET MVC samples too! - Tomas Petricek
  • Re: using RouteValueDictionary. This compiles, but doesn't work, because the expected dictionary type is IDictionary<string,obj>. At runtime it unboxes the "obj", so it must first be box'ed when it is created. Instead, use: "dict [ ("controller", box "Home");("action", box "Index")]". This also enables defaults of mixed types, eg. ("User", box null),("id", box UrlParameter.Optional). - Stephen Hosking
  • @Javaman59: Oops, forgot to box the values. Fixed. Thanks. - Daniel
  • @Daniel. Nice work. I like the (=>) operator. Makes it much more readable. - Stephen Hosking


You can't create "anonymous records" in F# - when using types, you can either use tuples which are anonymous, but don't carry labels or you can use records which have to be declared in advance and have labels:

// Creating an anonymous tuple
let route = ("Home", "Index", UrlParameter.Optional)

// Declaration and creating of a record with named fields
type Route = { controller : string; action : string; id : UrlParameter } 
let route = { controller = "Home"; action = "Index"; id = UrlParameter.Optional } 

Technically, the problem with anonymous records is that they would have to be defined as actual classes somewhere (the .NET runtime needs a type), but if the compiler put them in every assembly, then two anonymous records with same members might be different types if they were defined in different assemblies.

Honestly, I think that the example you posted is just a poor design decision in ASP.NET - it is misusing a particular C# feature to do something for which it wasn't designed. It may not be as bad as this, but it's still odd. The library takes a C# anonymous type, but it uses it as a dictionary (i.e. it uses it just as a nice way to create key-value pairs, because the properties that you need to specify are dynamic).

So, if you're using ASP.NET from F#, it is probably easier to use an alternative approach where you don't have to create records - if the ASP.NET API provides some alternative (As Daniel shows, there is a nicer way to write that).

  • @Kirk: An IDictionary seems like a better choice. In F# that would be dict ["controller", "Home"; "action", "Index"] -- very natural. - Daniel
  • I think that would actually be neither as concise nor as clear: new Dictionary<string, object> { { "controller", "Home" }, { "action", "Index" } } vs. new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" } (And was specifically asking about a solution that wouldn't be worse in C#) - Kirk Woll
  • I wouldn't say IDictionary is clearer or shorter in C#, but it's a better approach (happy medium) given that several languages target the CLR. Anonymous types are specific to C#. - Daniel
  • The point is, if ASP.NET is a .NET library (as opposed to being a C# library), it simply shouldn't make any assumptions about the language that people are going to use. Using classes with properties to represent dictionaries sounds pretty silly from the pure .NET perspective! - Tomas Petricek
  • @Kirk - even in C#, there are still problems with this approach, such as discoverability. The defaults parameter has type object with description "An object that contains default route values.". As a caller, this is completely inscrutable unless I've seen examples of the heavily idiomatic style used by the library. To me, this is symptomatic of a workaround for C#'s inability to support concise collection literals, rather than a positive use of a C# feature that F# lacks. - kvb


The OP does not describe the best use of anonymous type. They are best used when using LINQ to map to an arbitrary class. For example:

var results = context.Students
              .Where(x => x.CourseID = 12)
              .Select(x => new { 
                 StudentID = x.ID, 
                 Name = x.Forename + " " + x.Surname

I know this can be done by defining a new record type, but then you have two places to maintain code, (1) the record type definition (2) where you've used it.

It could instead be done with a tuple, but to access individual fields you have to use the deconstruction syntax (studentId, name) all the time. This becomes unwieldy if you have 5 items in the tuple. I would rather type in x and hit dot and have intellisense tell me what fields are available.


Here's my take on the default web project route config:

module RouteConfig =

    open System.Web.Mvc
    open System.Web.Routing

    let registerRoutes (routes: RouteCollection) =


        /// create a pair, boxing the second item
        let inline (=>) a b = a, box b

        /// set the Defaults property from a given dictionary
        let setDefaults defaultDict (route : Route) =  
            route.Defaults <- RouteValueDictionary(defaultDict)

        routes.MapRoute(name="Default", url="{controller}/{action}/{id}")
        |> setDefaults (dict ["controller" => "Home" 
                              "action" => "Index" 
                              "id" => UrlParameter.Optional])


