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원혜영 (Won, Hae-Young) 논문수  · 이용수 2,808 · 피인용수 1

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저자의 연구 키워드

저자의 연구 키워드
#〈오픈 유어 아이즈〉(영화)
#89 theses of pain
#89가지의 고통
#가부장적 사회
#고대 바다 거북길
#기(氣) 철학자
#다양한 세계관
#백성욱 박사
#사주당 이씨(師朱堂 李氏)
#상좌부 의례
#신들의 찬탄
#어휘와 문법
#여성주의적 사고
#우데나 붓다전승
#인생의 수레바퀴
#자상과 형상
#존재론적 조망
#진보와 보수
#투르판 사본
#하나의 감각
#한국어와 드라비다어
#해양 실크로드
#Abidarma philosophy
#Anatman(non-self) The wheel of life
#at the same time
#Buddhist literature
#Buddhist thought
#Choi Chi-won
#conservative and progressive
#Daesun(大巡) Thought
#Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta
#Dr. Baek Sung-wook
#early Buddhism
#early Consciousness-Only School
#feminist thinking
#Ganhwa Seon
#Human Practice
#Karmic Social
#Korean and Dravidian languages
#Korean folk religion
#lay community
#Lee Kyu-bo
#Mahiśāsaka Vinaya
#moral principles
#Nature(Mountains, Rivers, Grass, and Trees)
#One senses
#ontological perspective
#Open Your Eyes(film)
#patriarchal societies
#philosophers of Xì (energy, 氣)
#Point of Centraflexure
#Principles of Space
#Sajudang(師朱堂) Lee(李)
#Seo Kyung-deok
#Seon practice
#Shin Heum
#spotted butterfly
#svalakṣaṇa and ākāra
#Ten Cases(10事)
#the Buddhist theory of intermediate existence
#the deep level of the human psychology
#the early Buddhist
#the Four Noble Truths
#The King(Sangje, 上帝)
#the lexicon and grammar
#the maritime Silk Road
#The Nature of Buddha(佛性)
#the only idea of Buddhism
#the origin of Buddha image
#the Praise of the Divine
#the sea turtle Trail
#the Silsim(實心) and Silhak(實學)
#the view of life and death
#Theraveda Buddhist Ceremonies
#Turfan Copies
#Udena Buddha of legend
#various worldviews

저자의 논문

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