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nigh**** 조회수 150 작성일2013.04.05

구글번역기 사용은 제발 하지 말아주세요! 

Hardware Prototypes

New hardware systems design for ubiquitous computing has been oriented towards experimental platforms for systems and applications of invisibility. New chips have been less important than combinations of existing components that create experimental opportunities. The first ubiquitous computing technology to be deployed was the Liveboard [Elrod 92], which is now a Xerox product. Two other important pieces of prototype hardware supporting our research at PARC are the Tab and the Pad.



The ParcTab is a tiny information doorway. For user interaction it has a pressure sensitive screen on top of the display, three buttons underneath the natural finger positions, and the ability to sense its position within a building. The display and touchpad it uses are standard commercial units.



The pad is really a family of notebook-sized devices. Our initial pad, the ScratchPad, plugged into a Sun SBus card and provided an X-window-system-compatible writing and display surface. This same design was used inside our first wall-sized displays, the liveboards, as well. Our later untethered pad devices, the XPad and MPad, continued the system design principles of X-compatibility, ease of construction, and flexibility in software and hardware expansion.

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Hardware Prototypes

하드웨어 프로토타입.

New hardware systems design for ubiquitous computing has been oriented towards experimental platforms for systems and applications of invisibility. New chips have been less important than combinations of existing components that create experimental opportunities. The first ubiquitous computing technology to be deployed was the Liveboard [Elrod 92], which is now a Xerox product. Two other important pieces of prototype hardware supporting our research at PARC are the Tab and the Pad.

유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅용 하드웨어시스템에 대한 새로운 설계는, 그것에 사용될 무형의 시스템이나 응용프로그램을 위한 실험성짙은 플랫폼개발에 그 목적이 있었다. 새로운 칩을 개발하는것보단, 이미 존재하고있던 구성요소를 조합하는 실험적인 기회가 더 중요시되었다. 유비쿼터스 컴퓨팅 기술이 처음으로 사용된건 현재의 제록스사의 제품인 Liveboard [Elrod92]였다. PARC에서 자사의 연구에 뒷받침이된 두가지 핵심적 요소는 Tap과 Pad 이다.



The ParcTab is a tiny information doorway. For user interaction it has a pressure sensitive screen on top of the display, three buttons underneath the natural finger positions, and the ability to sense its position within a building. The display and touchpad it uses are standard commercial units.


ParcTab은 작은 정보 출입구다. 그것의 디스플레이 상단에는 유저와의 상호작용을위한 압력감지스크린이 , 사용자의 손가락의 움직임을 고려한 하단에는 세개의 버튼이, 그리고 빌딩안에서 기기 자신의 위치를 감지하는 장치가 탑재되었다. ParcTab에 사용되는 디스플레이와 터치패드는 모두 상업용 표준규격 장치이다.




The pad is really a family of notebook-sized devices. Our initial pad, the ScratchPad, plugged into a Sun SBus card and provided an X-window-system-compatible writing and display surface. This same design was used inside our first wall-sized displays, the liveboards, as well. Our later untethered pad devices, the XPad and MPad, continued the system design principles of X-compatibility, ease of construction, and flexibility in software and hardware expansion.


'패드'는 노트북 사이즈 장치들과는 일종의 가족이라할수있다. 자사 최조의 패드제품인 ScratchPad는 Sun SBus 카드에 연결되며, X윈도기반의 입력과 표시면(디스플레이서피스)을 제공한다. 이는 자사의 첫 벽면크기의 디스플레이인 liveboards에도 적용되었다. 자사의 후발 제품인 Xpad나 MPad에서도 X윈도호환의 설계법, 기기구성의 용이성, 그리고 소프트,하드웨어 확장에대한 유연성 이 세가지 설계법이 명맥을 유지해나가고있다.


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