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ggir**** 조회수 47 작성일2018.02.28

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할머니의 따님이 현재 미국시민권자이신데요~ 작년에 따님이 할머니와 함께 계시다가 2017년 5월 14일

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할머니 연세가 올해 97으로 알고 있습니다. 앞으로의 시간에는 따님 걱정없이 하루를 보내실 수 있도록

백악관에서 이부분에 따듯한 관심을 꼭 부탁드리겠습니다.

그럼 답변부탁드리겠습니다! :) 

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Thank you for writing the following sentence. 50

ggir **** Close rate 100% Adoption rate 100% 2018.02.28.

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I am asking you to send it to the White House.

And I also appreciate your email address.

Hello I am Kim Woongbin, a Catholic believer living in Korea.

The reason why I contacted the White House by email is because of my appointment with my grandmother who I learned during my volunteer activities.

Your grandmother's daughter is now a US citizen. Last year, when she was with her grandmother,

I have not been able to contact my daughter for nearly a year since I suddenly left the country without my grandmother.

Every day you spend your day worrying. So I personally know about this part of

We will email you to the White House to request this. I am currently holding my grandmother's daughter's belongings

I am taking some photos and saving them as a file. Typically, there's a Nevada card for medical coverage.

Can I find her contact and contact her?

My grandmother Yonsei is known as 97 this year. So that you can spend the day without worrying about your daughter in the future.

I would appreciate your warm attention to this part of the White House.

Then please answer me! :)

I'm curious



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