질문 번역기 돌러서 해석 했는데...매끄럽지가 안네요..정리좀해주세요!!
정보가 없는 사용자 조회수 1,208 작성일2005.11.12

급한 마음에 알비스타에서 돌렸더니.....


이상하게 나왔어요...


수행평가로 발표해야 하는데.....


매끄럽게 다듬어 주시면 감사하겠사와요~~



문제의 그것..↓



How are you, ~ everybody!

항상 여러분께 맛있는 요리를 가르쳐 주는 '만들어 볼까요!'시간입니다.
Always to everybody to teach cooking which is taste ' it will try to make! ' It is an hour.

오늘은 만들기 쉽고 노화방지와 키토산이 풍부하여 장기능에 효능이 있는 '꽃게탕'을 만들어 볼까 합니다.
It makes today to be easy and the aging prevention and the Quito mountain are abundant and there is the internal organs Siberian bustard effect and ' the blue crab thang ' it will try to make it does.

TV앞에 앉아 계신 분들 필기도구 준비 하셨죠??
The T.V it sits before and the minute under attempt nine preparing for blooming syess cyo? ?

놓치지 말고 잘 받아 적어서 가족앞에서 만들어 보세요
Do not miss and instead of well to receive be few and to make from before the family try

먼저 재료부터 알아볼까요?
From the material it will examine first?

오늘 요리에는 꽃게 2마리,풋고추 5개,양파 1개,호박 1개,대파 1뿌리,다진마늘 2스푼, 된장  5스푼,고춧가루 3~4스푼 소금, 후춧가루가 필요합니다.
The garlic 2 spoon which to cooking 2 the blue crabs, 5 the foot red peppers, 1 both green onions and the amber 1 thing, the ruin 1 root, it hardens today, the soybean paste 5 spoon and the powdered red pepper 3~4 the spoon salt, the after Choos powder is necessary.

그럼 이제 만들어 볼까요!
Like that now it will try to make!

꽃게는 게딱지를 떼고 솔로 비벼 깨끗이 씻은 후 게 발의 끝부분을 잘라내고 먹기 좋은크기로 토막내어주시고 자를 때 꽃게가 날카로우니 조심하세요.
The blue crab takes off the crab shell and solo it rubs and after washing cleanly a proposing end portion and and to, it cuts it puts out and and and it eats and and and with a good size toe lastborn U it gives and when cutting, the blue crab takes care is sharp.

다 자르셨다면 한쪽으로 치워 두고 풋고추와 대파는 어슷썰기를 해주세요.이때 풋고추 씻고 씨 빼는것 잊지마세요.
Kerf all, it lets to remove with one piece and the foot red pepper and ruin wash U sus it cuts do as a favor. this time, the foot red pepper and the Sea drawing out it does not forget roll up.

양파는 굵직하게 썰고 호박은 반달로 도톰하게 썰어 두세요..
The sheep it sells and it cuts somewhat thickly and the amber lets to cut thickly with the half moon..

이제 기본적인 재료는 전부 다듬었어요 .이제 끓여 볼까요!
Basic the material trimmed the whole recently. recently will try to boil! 

냄비에 물을 약간 붓고 된장과 고춧가루를 섞어 잘 풀어 주고 물을 충분히 넣어 팔팔 끓여주세요.
물이 끓으면 다진마늘, 양파, 호박, 풋고추를 넣고 다시 한번 끓여 준 후에 다듬어 놓은 꽃게를 넣고 끓여주세요
끓이는 도중에 거품을 깨끗이 걷어내고 대파와 갖은 양념을 넣어 간을 맞추면 꽃게탕 완성!!
The water boils and the garlic which it hardens, both green onion, the amber and the foot red pepper put in and after once to boil again, trim and the blue crab which it puts put in and and to boil ket U it puts out the bubble cleanly on the middle which boils and with ruin when a for the dressing materials which it has it puts in and it fixes, the blue crab thang completion! !

오늘도 좋은 요리 정보 알아가셨나요? 알아가셨다구요? 오늘 만들어 볼까요에서 준비한 것은 여기 까지입니다.
Today good cooking information it knew and it went? It knows and nine bedspreads which go? Today will try to make from the fact that it prepared is until here.

다음시간에는 갑족류의 귀족 '랍스터 요리'로 찾아 뵙겠습니다~
To the next hour nobility ' Rab of A Jog type su it will sprout and it will search it will see, with cooking and ' ~

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
번역, 통역, 영어 독해, 읽기 96위, 영어작문 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

Hi  ~ everybody!
Now it's time to tune to 'Shall we try to cook' again.

It alaways gives you lessons in preparing tasty dishes, doesn't it? 
I'll show  you today how to prepare 'Blue crab soup' which is easy to cook.

And it is also known that the soup is good for the guts as well as antiaging effect because of its rich Chitosan content.   

Are you ready with writing tackle, sitting in front of the TV?
Take it down carefully without missing anything.

Why won't you set the dish on the table for your family later? 
Shall we start with the ingredients?
We need  here two blue crabs, five geen red peppers, one onion, one pumkin, one green onion, two spoonfuls of minced garlic, five spoonfuls of bean paste, three or four spoonfuls of powdered red pepper, pound black pepper and salt.
Then, shall we cook? 

Remove the carapaces of the crabs first, and cleanse their bodies with a brush.  

Then, cut off the crab arms' ends and cut them into pieces suitable to eat at a mouthful.

Be sure to be careful not to hurt yourself because they have sharp corners.

Put the crabs away aside after chopping them, and cut  the blue peppers and the green onions diadonally.  Don't forget to remember that you should cleanse the blue peppers and remove seeds from them.
You are to cut the green onions thickly and the pumpkins full slices in half-moon shapes.
Now we've sorted out all the basic ingredients.  Shall we boil them?

Add some water in a kettle..  Adulterate bean paste and powdered red pepper well with water, and boil them hard.
Put the minced garlic, pumpkin and green peppers in the kettle, and boil them again.

Now you are to put the blue crabs chopped aside in the kettle.  Boil again, of course.

Skim off the foam while boiling, and season it with spices and green onions.

Voila!  You've prepared a dish of blue crab soup already! 

Have you informed yourself of a cuisine today again?  Already?

So much for today.

Good luck and remember to tune in to 'Shall we try to cook' next time.

I'll show you how to cook 'lobster - the prince of shellfish'  on that occasion.


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