질문 영어말하기대회원본변역.....내공50
정보가 없는 사용자 조회수 779 작성일2004.06.10
B:안녕?근데 나 갑자기 인천에대해 알고싶어졌는데....
네가좀 알려주지않을래?
일단 인천엔 여러곳에서 문화재를볼수있어
대표적인곳은 강화도야
음....일단 화문석이유명하고
다양한조상들의 모습을 볼수있지..
그리고 특산물은
ㆍ연평도의 꽃게
매년 2월 초순에부터 11월 하순까지 꽃게잡이를 하며 씨알이 굵고 맛이 좋아 최고의 상품으로 인기가 높아. 전국적으로 유명한 꽃게 생산지로서 조기가 사라진 후 어민들의 주 소득원이 되고 있어
ㆍ백령도의 가리비
보통 20-30m의 깊은 바다에서만 자라는 자연산으로 맛이 담백하여 날것으로 먹어. 흔히 키조개는 패주만 맛이 있고 조갯살은 맛으로 치지 않는 것에 반해 가리비는 패주도 키조개 못지 않은 맛이지만 조갯살 또한 일품으로 꼽는는다고해^^.
ㆍ백령도의 해삼
관내 청정해역에서 생산되며 강장에 좋을 뿐만 아니라 기호도가 높은 연체동물로 이뇨작용을 촉진시키는 성분을 함유하고 있대.
ㆍ대청도의 까나리 액젓
알고있지?맛이 담백하고 숙성됨에 따라 비린내가 없어서 독특한 향과 맛을 느낄 수 있어.
A:난그래서 우리고장이많이자랑스러
B:니가설명하는것보니깐 나도 막자랑스러워 지는걸?
또 나는이렇게 많은것의 생산지가 우리고장이라는게 너무나도 자랑스러
그리고 고마웠어 네덕에 궁굼증도풀도 나도 다른친구에게 전해줄꺼야 우리고장이 이렇게 많은물건의 생산지인걸 빨리알려야지!
A:그럼~!물론이지 그럼나중에보자~
B:응 내일봐 아참!오늘고마웠어 잘가~~~
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
영어, 사회, 도덕, 예체능, 실과 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보
A: Hi.I'm ??.
B: Hi? Muscle place B against Inch'on suddenly it came to want knowing but.... You will inform and petty widely known Rae who will not be?
A: Of course intelligence! Once to Inch'on there is a possibility of seeing a culture property from the multi place and the representative place gives an order Kanghwa-Do Oh! sound.... three reasons which anger bite once and the possibility of seeing the features of the ancestors who are various it is not.. And thuk the product the blue crab cap reaches until November end in from the yearly criticism moral blue crab yearly February beginning of the month to do and the Sea egg is thick and the taste to be good popularity is high with the goods of top. As the blue crab producing district which is famous with national after the early rising disappears, U is becoming the week income unit of the field where it pushes and hundred lyeng moral heap rain usual 20-30m only the deep ocean with the day thing the taste wall hundred does at the natural mountain which grows and it eats. The height clam only rout is a taste frequently and the clam meat also the rout which the heap it begs obvious in not hitting with taste height clam nail Ji is the taste which is not but the clam meat also it counts with the superb article and this world which increases ^. It is produced from hundred lyeng moral trepang within the jurisdiction pure waters and only it will be good the bay it knows strongly symbolic boat song the ingredient which promotes a diuresis action with the high mollusc to contain, Iss unit. main floored room morality it peels and your honor misfortune pickled fish it is not knowing? The taste does and wall hundred becomes to follow maturing and there is not I which am fishy there is a possibility of feeling a direction and the taste which are unique. And in this Kanghwa-Do which it talks ago anger three which it bites, three which is, there is a turnip, rice and a wormwood back, Oong position island gun, etc. Oh! the
B: Truth? With right ~~ enormous
A: Difficulty it is like that and it soaks, the market plentifully self-praise su le the
B: ni Construction giving an order it sees awareness it is born but it will come to be proud just, it will hang? Also me the producing district of the like this many thing soaks and the market it is to too much self-praise su le and in grateful your virtue it is larger than actual appearance and cung also the grass is born but electrolysis it decreases in the different friend and to put out it soaks and it is a producing district of the thing where the market is many like this it hangs and and it informs quickly, Ji!
A: It is like that, ~! Of course intelligence be like that and finally see ~
B: Eung tomorrow it sees, Oh the truth! It will be grateful today and will sleep ~~~


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