질문 Acrostic poem 해주세요 ㅠ
비공개 조회수 183 작성일2018.10.28
Global warming
fossil fuel(s)
carbon dioxid
solar energy
eco friendly
extreme weather
greenhouse gas


이 단어들로 ㅠ
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
Gazing into the sky
Luck is running out
Onto the smoggy air
Bails out the smoke
All in one fell swoop
Let the pollution spread
Wailing in the distance
Are the nature and the Gaia
Reaping what we sow
More often than not
It is us who we suffer
Nothing lasts forever
Granted mother nature will

Found in the ground
Of millenniums they tell
Sunder comes their bones
Sunder comes their flesh
It is nothing but tar
Loud will they burn
Fire will they fuel
Upsetting mother nature
Eternal darkness they will spread
Laud the rich the fools will

Careful when you breath this
At the core they're but three
Readily they are made
By us and our lungs
Or by monsters of humanity
Nonetheless they're the same
Do not take them lightly
It will cloud our minds
Or but cloud our lungs
X marks the spot
It will soon come to an end
Death will be swift

Sunder will it be
O praise the sun
Laud have mortal at it
At the core it is but hydrogen
Rarely has it failed us
Endless potentia
Never ending energy
Eternal power
Roaring flames
Guiding us to the future
Youthful nature it is

휴 생각보다 힘드네요. 먼저 이정도 하겠습니다


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