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한은정 (han eun-jeong) 논문수  · 이용수 4,415 · 피인용수 2

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사회과학 > 사회학 사회과학 > 사회복지학 의약학 > 간호학 사회과학 > 행정학
  • 저자정보 . 논문
  • 공저자 . 저널

저자의 연구 키워드

저자의 연구 키워드
#가족 간호
#복지용구 급여
#부양 부담
#수직적 형평성
#요구 분석
#의료비 지출
#인식 차이
#재가 장기요양 노인
#포커스그룹 면담
#표적집단면접조사(Focus Group Interview
#Benefit Provision
#caregiving burden
#Cash benefit
#community-dwelling elderly
#Comparative Study
#family caregiver
#family caregiver financial burden
#family caregiver satisfaction
#Family caregivers
#Family nursing
#Family Primary Caregiver
#Focus Group Interview
#focus groups
#health care utilization
#In-Home service
#institutional care service
#Kakwani Index
#Korean Long-term Care Insurance
#Korean long-term care insurance system
#link program to community-based services
#Long term care insurance
#long-term care
#long-term care beneficiaries
#Long-term care facilities benefits
#Long-term care insurance
#long-term care worker
#Medical Expenditure.
#Medical utilization
#Needs assessment
#Non-covered services expenditures
#non—eligible people
#nursing home
#out-of pocket expenses
#perception gap
#public long-term care insurance
#Regional rate of certification
#Service Use Support
#Sustainable LTC system
#the aged
#the last year of life
#Vertical Equity
#Welfare Equipment
#Welfare Equipment Specialist
#working conditions

저자의 논문

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