질문 이편지해석좀해주세요(내공多)
비공개 조회수 463 작성일2008.04.26

영어해석할줄몰라가지구요 ㅠ.ㅠ 긴만큼 내공도 많이드릴게요 ^.^


To day is tuesday and this week is the week of the play at school.

Everybody is really excited but we are all really tired.

We have long practices everyday and we don't get home until really late but I think taht all of our hard

work will pay off.

This play is really long and it is a musical so we have to try extra hard to stay cheerful and be able

to perform well on apening night, which is Friday. You hadn't written in a while so I deaded to write

to you. I hope that is ok.

Have you moved to your new house yet ? And is your uncle liking his new house?

I can't wait to see what your uniform looks like in your school picture !

And I have some news ! Because newt year I will be going into a spanish 4 class which is not required

for college my mom might let me take both Korean and piano classes over the summer.

I also had something else to tell you. At my youth group at my church I met a new girl and she is Korean. Her name is Jin Hee Hong and she seems like a nice person! I would like to become friends

with her.

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
영어 독해, 읽기 65위, 영어, 영어작문 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

Today is tuesday and this week is the week of the play at school.

오늘은 화요일이고, 이번 주는 학교에서 연극이 공연되는 주간이야.

Everybody is really excited but we are all really tired.

모두 흥분되어 있기는 하지만 매우 피곤하기도 해.

We have long practices everyday and we don't get home until really late but I think taht all of our hard

work will pay off.

매일 긴 연습시간으로 집에 귀가하는 시간이 많이 늦어지긴 했지만, 이 모든 노력의 성과가 있을거라 생각해.

This play is really long and it is a musical so we have to try extra hard to stay cheerful and be able

to perform well on apening night, which is Friday.

이번 연극은 공연 시간도 길고 뮤지컬이기 때문에 우리 모두 좀 더 즐거운 마음을 가지려고 노력 하고 금요일, 첫날 밤 공연도 성공적으로 잘 하리라 생각하려해. 

You hadn't written in a while so I deaded to write to you. I hope that is ok.

네가 한동안 편지를 보내지 않아서 내가 편지를 보내려 마음 먹은 거야. 괜찮지?

Have you moved to your new house yet ? And is your uncle liking his new house?

이미 새 집으로 이사한거야? 너의 삼촌이 새집을 마음에 들어하셔?

I can't wait to see what your uniform looks like in your school picture !

너의 학교 사진에서 본 것 같은 교복차림의 너를 하루 빨리 보고싶어.

And I have some news ! Because newt year I will be going into a spanish 4 class which is not required

for college my mom might let me take both Korean and piano classes over the summer.

그리고 몇가지 새로운 소식이 있어. 내년에 대학 입시에 필수 과목이 아닌 스페인어 4 급을 택할 예정인데, 엄마가  여름동안 한국어와 피아노 과목을 택할 수 있게 해줄 것 같아.

I also had something else to tell you. At my youth group at my church I met a new girl and she is Korean. Her name is Jin Hee Hong and she seems like a nice person! I would like to become friends

with her.

너에게 또 다른 얘기할 게 있어. 우리 교회 청년부에서 새로운 여학생을 만났는데, 한국 사람이야. 그 아이 이름은 홍지희 이고, 좋은 아이 같아. 그 아이와 친구로 지내고 싶어.


이런 의미이네요!


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