질문 낭만닥터 김사부2 에서 나오는 노래
trig**** 조회수 1,727 작성일2020.01.10
낭만닥터 김사부2 마지막 에필로그에서 나오는
노래 제목이랑 가수이름 좀 부탁해요 ~
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
한컴오피스 51위, 동영상소프트웨어, 멀티미디어소프트웨어 9위 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

곡명 The Stranger 아티스트명 Billy Joel

Well we all have a face

That we hide away forever

And we take them out and show ourselves

When everyone has gone

Some are satin some are steel

Some are silk and some are leather

They're the faces of the stranger

But we love to try them on

Well we all fall in love

But we disregard the danger

Though we share so many secrets

There are some we never tell

Why were you so surprised

That you never saw the stranger

Did you ever let your lover see

That stranger in yourself?

Don't be afraid to try again

Everyone goes south

Every now and then

You've done it, why can't someone else?

You should know by now

You've been there yourself

Once I used to believe

I was such a great romancer

Then I came home to a woman

That I could not recognize

When I pressed her for a reason

She refused to even answer

It was then I felt the stranger

Kick me right between the eyes

Well we all fall in love

But we disregard the danger

Though we share so many secrets

There are some we never tell

Why were you so surprised

That you never saw the stranger

Did you ever let your lover see

The stranger in yourself?

Don't be afraid to try again

Everyone goes south

Every now and then

You've done it, why can't someone else?

You should know by now

You've been there yourself

You may never understand

How the stranger in inspired

But he isn't always evil

And he isn't always wrong

Though you drown in good intentions

You will never quench the fire

You'll give in to your desire

When the stranger comes along


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