질문 해리왕자 관한 해석인데 부탁드려요~~~
모르는개산책 조회수 556 작성일2009.05.15

On 21st December 1984, Prince Henry Charles Albert David was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie, in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.


After attending Mrs Mynors School, Prince Harry became a pupil at Wetherby School in London, from September 1987. In September 1992, Harry joined his older brother William at Ludgrove School in Berkshire where he stayed for five years.


He then attended Eton College from September 1998 where he took his GCSE’s and A Levels.


After completing his A Levels, Prince Harry took a gap year during which he visited Australia, Argentina and Africa, where he made a documentary about the plight of orphans in Lesotho.


Prince Harry entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in May 2005. He successfully completed a 44-week training course as an Officer Cadet, before being commissioned in April 2006 as a Second Lieutenant in the Household Cavalry (Blues and Royals).


On 13th April 2008, Prince Harry was promoted from Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant.

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On 21st December 1984, Prince Henry Charles Albert David was christened by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Dr Robert Runcie, in St George’s Chapel, Windsor.

1984년 12월 21일 해리 완자는 위저에 있는 세인트 죠지 성당에서 추기경 Robert Runcie박사에 의해 세례를 받았다.


After attending Mrs Mynors School, Prince Harry became a pupil at Wetherby School in London, from September 1987.

Mrs Mynors학교를 졸업한후 해리 왕자는 1987년 9월부터 런던에 있는 Wetherby 학교의 학생이 되었다. 

In September 1992, Harry joined his older brother William at Ludgrove School in Berkshire where he stayed for five years.

1992년 9월, 해리는 윌리엄 왕자가 다니던 버크셔에 있는 Ludgrove 학교에 들어갔으며 5년동안 그곳에서 공부하였다. 


He then attended Eton College from September 1998 where he took his GCSE’s and A Levels.

 그리곤 그는 1998년 9월에 GCSE 와 A 레벨을 치룬 이튼 칼리지에 들어갔다.


After completing his A Levels, Prince Harry took a gap year during which he visited Australia, Argentina and Africa, where he made a documentary about the plight of orphans in Lesotho.

A레벨을 마친후 해리 왕자는 1년동안 휴가를 내어 호주, 아르헨티나 그리고 그가 Lesotho에 있는 고아들은 어려움에 관해 다큐멘처리를 만든 아프리카를 방문하였다.


Prince Harry entered the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in May 2005.

해리왕자는 2005년 왕립 군사학교인  샌드허스트에 입학했다.

He successfully completed a 44-week training course as an Officer Cadet, before being commissioned in April 2006 as a Second Lieutenant in the Household Cavalry (Blues and Royals).

그는 44주간의 훈련과정을 마치고 간부 후보생이 되었고 2006년 4월에 근위 기병대의 소위가 되었다.


On 13th April 2008, Prince Harry was promoted from Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant.

2008년 4월 13일 해리 왕자는 소위에서 중위로 진급했다.


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