질문 셀레나 고메즈&데미 로바토 one and the same 가사 좀..
Jane Yoo 조회수 1,611 작성일2012.06.16
 셀레나 고메즈&데미 로바토의 one and the same 가사 좀 부탁 드려요!!
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
음악 65위, 팝, R&B 27위 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보



Demi Lovato feat. Selena Gomez - One And The Same (OST Princess Protection Program)


Hey hey hey, la la la la la x2
 Selena Gomez:
 You come from here
 I come from there
Demi Lovato
 You rock out in your room
 I rock a world premiere
Selena Gomez;
 We're more alike than
 Anybody could ever tell
 (Ever tell)
Demi Lovato;
 Friday, we're cool
 Monday, we're freaks
Selena Gomez
 Sometimes we rule
 Sometimes we can't even speak
Demi Lovato
 But we can get up and
 Let loose and LOL
Selena Gomez
 It may seem cliche
 For me to wanna say
 That you're not alone
 (That you're not alone)
Demi Lovato
 And you can call me uncool
 But it's a simple fact
 I got your back
 (Yeah, Yeah, Yeah)
 'Cause we're one and the same
 We're anything but ordinary
 One and the same
 I think we're almost lengendary
 You and me the perfect team
 Chasing down the dream
 We're one and the same
 Hey hey hey, la la la la la
Demi Lovato
 I'm kind of like you
 You kind of like me
Selena Gomez
 We write the same song
 And a different key
 It's got a rhythm
 Than you and me
 Can get along
 (Get along)
Selena Gomez
 It may seem cliche
 For me to wanna say
 That you're not alone
Demi Lovato
 And you can call me uncool
 But it's a simple fact
 I still got your back (i still got your back)
 'Cause we're one and the same
 We're anything but ordinary
 One and the same
 I think we're almost lengendary
 You and me the perfect team
 Shaking up the scene
 We're one and the same
'Cause we're one and the same
 We're anything but ordinary
 One and the same
 We're so good moment momentary
 Cause we're one yeah, Yeah, Yeah
 'Cause we're one
 (i think we're almost laedgendary) we're Anything but ordinary
 You and me the perfect team
 Chasing down the dream
 Oh, You and me the perfect team
 Shakïng up the scene
 We're one and the same
 hey hey hey, la la la la la hey hey hey


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