질문 영어로 번역해주세요 (번역기 사용 제외)
비공개 조회수 320 작성일2019.11.19

제가 소개할 인물은 리아킴입니다.

그녀는 1984년 8월5일에 태어났고 현재 나이는35세 입니다

그녀는 세계적인댄서,안무가 로써 활동하는 중입니다

그녀는 무용 힙합 로킹 팝핑등 모든장르를 출수있는 우리나라에 몇안되는 올댄서 입니다

그녀의 대표작은 TT,가시나,너무너무너무,보름달등이 있습니다

나는 그녀를 전부터 매우존경하였고 멋있다고 생각하였습니다

꿈하나를 위해서 지금도 노력하고있다는 말에 존경스럽기도 하였습니다

나도 리아킴선생님처럼 되기위해 열심히 노력하고싶습니다

지금까지 발표를 들어주셔서 감사합니다.

The person I will introduce is Liakim.
She was born on August 5, 1984 and she is 35 years old now.
She's working as a world-class dancer, a choreographer.
She is one of the few all-dancers in Korea where she can perform all genres of dance, hip-hop, rock, pop, etc.
Her representative works are TT, Kashi Nana, too, too, full moon etc.
I respected her very much and thought she was cool.
 was also honored to say that I am still trying for my dream.
I want to try hard to be like teacher Liakim.
Thank you for listening to the presentation so far.

이렇게 쓰시면 안됩니다^^

도와주세요 내공100걸겠습니다

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
악기 3위, 영어 공부, 시험 4위, 영어작문 29위 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

I'd like to introduce you to Riakim.

She was born on August 5, 1984, and is now 35 years old

She is a world-class dancer, choreographer

She is one of the few all-dancers in Korea who can play all genres such as dance hip-hop rocking popping

Her masterpieces include TT, Kashina, Too Too, Full Moon

I've been very respectful and very cool before

I was also respected for saying that I was still working for one dream

I want to work hard to be like Dr. Riakim

Thank you for listening to the announcement so far.

채택 부탁드려요~ 추가 질문도 받습니다~


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