질문 문법맞는지봐주세요 내공20
정보가 없는 사용자 조회수 334 작성일2008.04.28

One of my favorite thing's Click-b who is group singer.

I like them since I was young. Now I'm going to introduce the singer.

They debuted with the first album 'Dreamming' in 1999.

When they appeared, many people shocked because of number of member.

That time they were only group that has 7 members.

There are 김태형, 오종혁, 김상혁, 우연석, 유호석, 노민혁 and 하현곤.

하현곤 was drummer, 김상혁 and 노민혁 were guitarist and other members were vocal.

I liked when they made a comeback with third album '백전무패‘.

Among them I like 김상혁.

However 유호석, 노민혁 and 하현곤 left team in 2002 and then Click-b made comeback with fourth album 'cowboy' although they were only four.

And they was active with another group, J-walk in 2004.

The name was JNC.

JNC’s the first group that two group mixed.

Recently 유호석 who was Click-b member debuted frist and second album by the name of EVAN.

I like really them who have unique sounds.

And because of them I like green and seven.

I will like them continuously.



프로필 사진


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One of my favorite things is Click-b, who is a group singer.

I have liked them since I was young. Now I'm going to introduce them.

They debuted with the first album 'Dreamming' in 1999.

When they appeared, many people were shocked because of the number of the members.

That time they were the only group that had 7 members.

There were 김태형, 오종혁, 김상혁, 우연석, 유호석, 노민혁 and 하현곤.

하현곤 was a drummer, 김상혁 and 노민혁 were guitarist and the other members were vocals.

I have liked them first when they came back with the third album '백전무패‘.

Among them I like 김상혁.

However 유호석, 노민혁 and 하현곤 left team in 2002 and then Click-b came back with the fourth album 'cowboy' although they were only four.

And they competed with another group, J-walk in 2004.

Their name was JNC.

JNC was the first group that two groups were mixed.

Recently 유호석 who was Click-b member debuted frist and second album by the name of EVAN.

I like really them because they have unique sounds.

And because of them, I like green and seven.

I will like them continuously.




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One of my favorite thing is Click-b, which is a rock group.


I like the group since I was young. Now I'm going to introduce the group to you.


They debuted in 1999 with the first album, named 'Dreamming'.


When they first appeared, many people were shocked because of the number of the members.


That time they were the only group that consisted of 7 members.


The names of the members are 김태형, 오종혁, 김상혁, 우연석, 유호석, 노민혁 and 하현곤.


하현곤 was a drummer, 김상혁 and 노민혁 were guitarists and the others were vocalists.


I liked when they made a comeback with the third album '백전무패‘.


Among them, I like 김상혁.


However, 유호석, 노민혁 and 하현곤 left the group in 2002,


and then Click-b made a comeback with the fourth album 'cowboy' although they were only four.


And they made a joint group with J-walk in 2004.


The name was JNC.


JNC is the first group that two groups were mixed together.


Recently 유호석, who was a Click-b member,


debuted as a solo with his frist and second album by the name of EVAN.


I really like them because they have unique sounds.


And because of them, I like green and seven.


I will like them continuously.


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