질문 '헬보이-골든아미'에 헬보이랑 물고기대가리가 부른것좀여..
pyo1**** 조회수 1,696 작성일2008.10.18

제가 한 10전인가? 하여튼 그 쯤에 영화를 봤습니다.

그런데 그 헬보이랑 물고기대가리가 부른 노래가 무슨 누알라인가 여자공주때문에 물고기대가리가 부른게 있는데 뭔지좀 가르쳐주세여.

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

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프로필 사진
본인 입력 포함 정보


Barry Manilow의 Can't Smile Without You입니다.


Can't Smile Without You

아티스트 Barry Manilow

앨범 Greatest Hits|1978

Can't smile without you

Song by
Barry Manilow

You know I can't smile
without you
I can't smile
without you
I can't laugh
and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard
to do anything
you see I feel sad
when you're sad
I feel glad
when you're glad
if you only knew
what I'm going through
I just can't smile
without you
you came along
just like a song
and brighten my day
who would of
believed that you
where part of a dream
now it all seems
light years away
and now you know
I can't smile
without you
I can't smile
without you
I can't laugh
and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard
to do anything
you see I feel sad
when your sad
I feel glad
when you're glad
if you only knew
what I'm going through
I just can't smile
now some people say
happiness takes
so very long to find
I'm finding it hard
leaving your love
behind me
I can't smile
without you
I can't smile
without you
I can't laugh
and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard
to do anything
you see I feel glad
when you're glad
I feel sad
when you're sad
if you only knew
what I'm going through
I just can't smile
without you@



헬보이 2 : 골든 아미

감독 길예르모 델 토로

출연 론 펄먼,셀마 블레어,더그 존스

개봉 2008.09.25 미국,독일, 119분



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