질문 어거스트 러쉬 ost중 주인공의 아빠 가 부르는 노래
hanb**** 조회수 12,723 작성일2010.05.22

제가 어거스트러쉬를 보고 깊은 감명(?)을 받았습니다

엠피에 넣고 다니면서 듣고싶은데 제목을 모릅니다 ㅡㅡ




그래서 이렇게 질문을 하게됩니당!~


어거스트러쉬중 주인공(천재소년)의 아빠 루이스 (조나단 리스 마이어스)가 부르는 노래인데


영화의 거의끝자락에 말이져



아빠가 밴드에서 공연하고 끝나고 차로오는길에 콘서트를 발견하고 막 뛰어오잖아여


거기서 그 아빠가 밴드에서 공연한 그노래~!


그노래 되게 좋던데 제목이랑 어디서 들어야하는지좀 알려주세여~~

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

2 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
영화 23위, 배경음악, OST 31위 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보



Jonathan Rhys Meyers - "Elgar & Something Inside"


아래 영상에서 들어보시고 찾으시는 곡인지 확인해 보세요. (1분부터 들어보시길)



Elgar&Something Inside

아티스트 Jonathan Rhys Meyers♩Steve Erdody

앨범 어거스트 러쉬 O.S.T|2007.11.13

when the one thing you're looking for
is nowhere to be found
and you back stepping all of your moves
Trying to figure it out

You wanna reach out
You wanna give in
Your head's wrapped around what's around the next bend
You wish you could find something warm
'Cause you're shivering cold

It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you

So long you've been running in circles
'Round what's at stake
But now the times come for your feet to stand still in one place

You wanna reach out
You wanna give in
Your head's wrapped around what's around the next bend
You wish you could find something warm
'Cause you're shivering cold

It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you

It was your first taste of love
Living upon what you had

It's the first thing you see as you open your eyes
The last thing you say as your saying goodbye
Something inside you is crying and driving you on

'Cause if you hadn't found me
I would have found you
I would have found you

I would have found you~



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그거 들으셈 ^^


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