질문 4월 최근에 나오는 GS건설 자이 CF 배경음악이 뭔가요???
pbel**** 조회수 4,416 작성일2005.04.04
오늘 날짜 4월 4일인데 아침에 본 GS 건설의 자이 광고 배경음악 아시는분~~ ^^
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

2 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
광고, CF 음악 29위, 노래, 연주, 팝, R&B 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

Altogether Alone - Be The Voice


It came
It came like a thief in the night
I happened to be looking
Out through the window
I swear it was brighter than hell
Man, I saw a light through the window
It was hovering above
The house next door

I froze
I froze like a stone
All alone
I swear my hair stood up
And I said a prayer to end all prayers
I reached for the phone
But the phone was dead

Next the glowing ball turned red
And a voice inside my head
Said, "Boss(Fred), go on back to bed
From now on
You are gonna be able to see
From now on you are gonna be
All at once with peace and harmony
In rhyme and reason altogether alone"

It came
It came like a song
In the day, the way I play
When I get off on a feeling
Of wheeling and soaring through space
Like the word what flows
Like the lover as it explodes
Kicking off the start of time

I froze
I froze like a stone
All alone
I swear my hair stood up
And I said a prayer to end all prayers
I reached for the phone
But the phone was dead

Rhyme and reason altogether alone



밑에 링크에서 직접 들어보실 수 있습니다.


그럼 즐거운 시간되세요.^^*


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