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박상영 (park sangyoung) 논문수  · 이용수 3,521 · 피인용수 12

주요 연구분야
인문학 > 한국어문학 의약학 > 한의학 복합학 > 학제간연구 사회과학 > 지역학 의약학 > 의학
  • 저자정보 . 논문
  • 공저자 . 저널

저자의 연구 키워드

저자의 연구 키워드
#「HyangYakJibSungBang(鄕藥集成方)」(Compendium of Prescriptions from the Countryside)
#『Oju Yunmun Jangjeon Sango』
#『Siga Jeomdeng』
#한국 고유 한의서
#Bencao Gangmu
#Buyang Theory(扶陽論)
#case report
#Clinical studies
#Cultural events
#Donga Daily
#herbal market
#herbal medicine
#History of Korean Medicine
#Hwang Jahu(黃子厚)
#Jeong Uidong
#Joseon Daily
#Korea’s proper medical books
#korean medicine
#Korean Oriental Medicine
#Korean vernacular translation
#Lee Gyujoon
#Lee Gyujun(李奎晙)
#medical exchange
#medical history
#medical information
#native herbal drugs development
#Neuropsychiatry disease
#oriental medicine
#public medicine
#The Annals of the Joseon Dynasty
#theories of western
#Theory of Cold Damage
#Traditional Herbal Medicine
#Traditional Korean Medicine
#Traditional medicine
#Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases.
#Yi Deokmu
#Yi Gwanggyu
#Yi Kyugyong
#Yu Itae

저자의 논문

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