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soli**** 조회수 945 작성일2007.05.24

캔디(Candy)란 라틴어로 설탕을 의미하는 " Can " 과 틀에 넣어 굳힌다는 " dy " 가 결합된 말로써 드롭프스, 캬라멜, 젤리 등 설탕을 주된 원료로한 과자를 총칭하는 말이다.

설탕의 원료인 사탕수수가 처음 발견된 곳은 기원전 200년경, 인도지역에서이다. 그뒤 5~6세기 경 설탕은 인도에서 중국, 태국, 인도네시아 등지로 전파되었고, 중동(아라비아)을 거쳐 유럽 으로 보급되었다. 아라비아(사라센제국의 중심지)는 인도로부터 운반해온 조당(사탕수수에서 1차로 뽑아낸 정제되지않은 당) 을 정제하여 설탕을 만들었다. 사탕수수(Sugar Cane)는 처음에는 인도를 중심으로 한 지역에 자연그대로 성장했고 이것을 캔지즈, 인더스강유역 주민들이 줄기째 씹어먹었다. 이 사탕수수의 줄기에서 방울로 떨어지는 액체가 태양열을 받아 점차 단단하게 굳어진것에 힌트를 얻어 만든것이 바로 설탕이다. 이것은 곧 아라비아, 이탈리아인들에 의해 지중해 연안의 여러나라들로 전파되었고 꿀이 차지하던 자리를 설탕이 대신하면서부터 각종 과일설탕조림과 드롭프스가 탄생하게 되었다. 또 단순하게 단맛뿐이었던 드롭프스에 각종 부재료(향신료등) 가 첨가되면서 오늘날과 같은 드롭프스, 누가, 캬랴멜등이 등장하게 되었다. 설탕이 사용되기전에는 자연에서 얻을수 있는 꿀(설탕이 2~3% 이고 나머지는 과당과 포도당으 로 되어있음) 을 사용했는데 단맛과 함께 저장기능으로 널리 쓰였다. 과일껍질을 따로 조리하여 주머니에 넣어 매달아 놓으면 그 즙이 식으면서 굳는다. 이것이 바로 젤리(불어로는 즐레) 의 시초가 되었다. 여기서 과일과 꿀을 함께 조려 생긴 즙이 굳는 원인은 과일속에 있는 펙틴(Pectin) 이라는 고분자다당류 때문이다. 이렇게 꿀과 과실(일반적으로 펙틴제리는 펙틴 + 산 + 당분의 적절한 조화로 만들어짐)을 이용한 단맛의 식품이 지금의 디저트 과자와 맥을 같이 하며 이것을 토대로 다양한 종류의 젤리가 등장하게 되었다.

그러나 꿀을 사용시 저장등에 불편이 있었고 이에 따라 사용이 편리한 설탕이 등장하면서 꿀이 가 졌던 역할을 설탕이 대신하게되었다. (꿀조림을 한 과일은 오목한 접시에 담아야 하나 설탕조림 은 어디에 담든지 상관없었다.) 그후 설탕량을 조금씩 늘려 조림한 과일이 표면에 하얀결정이 생긴다는 사실을 알게되었다. 이같이 표면에 설탕결정이 생긴 과일이 바로 설탕절임과일이며 이것은 곧 슈가캔디의 기본이 되었다. 최초로 만들어진것이 레몬껍질을 이용한 레몬필(정식명칭 : 캔디드 레몬필) 이였다. 오렌지필도 같은 종류의 과일로 이들은 과자에 장식하거나 후르츠케익의 배합재료로 쓰인다. 레몬필은 " 이탈리아 껍질 " 이라고도 불리어졌다. 북유럽은 겨울이 길어 겨울동안 신선한 과일 을 섭취하기 위하여 과일을 저장해야만 했다. 그래서 특히 레몬(비타민 C가 다량함유) 이 인기를 끌었는데 과육은 즙을 내어 마셨고 껍질은 설탕절임해 오래두고 먹었는데 이것이 바로 이탈리아에서 생겨 유럽각지로 펴져나갔던것이다. 여기서 " 이탈리아 껍질 " 이라는 애칭이 생겨났고, 나중에는 레몬필로 지칭하게 되었다.

레몬필처럼 후르츠캔디가 과일의 저장에 역점을 둔것이라면, 그 뒤를 잇는 캔디는 설탕을 위주로 하여 단맛을 즐길 수있는 과자기능에 중점을 둔 것이다. 후르츠캔디의 뒤를 이어서 등장한것이 슈가캔디이다. 이것은 설탕에 물을 소량 첨가해 잠깐 조린 뒤에 온도를 낮추어 식히면서 하얗게 굳히거나 굳기전에 일정한 모양을 한 틀에 흘려부어 성형 한것을 말한다. 불투명하고 달기만한 슈가캔디를 발판삼아 나온것이 바로 드롭프스이다. 신맛 과 빛깔등을 채색한 드롭프스는 곧이어 인도에서 보석과 향신료가 들어오기 시작하면서 이 드롭프스와 결합해 오늘날과 같은 갖가지 투명한 빛깔의 드롭프스가 탄생하게 되었다. 드롭프스의 뒤를 이어 견과에 설탕옷을 입힌 드라제(dragee)가 등장하게 된다. 그리고 드라제 뒤를 이어 속은 시럽상태이고 겉은 설탕의 결정화를 유도하여 딱딱하게 만든 봉봉(bon bon : 13세기경 동방으로 원정갔던 십자군에 의해 처음 만들어짐) 과 볶은 아몬드와 꿀,시럽으로 만들어진 누가(nougat)가 개발되었다.

봉봉은 프랑스말로 ' 아주 좋은 ', ' 맛있는 ' 의 뜻이며 누가는 라틴어로 누스(nux : 호두)로 원래는 호두로 제조되었지만 훼손되기 쉬워 아몬드로 대체되었다고 한다. 그밖의 견과로는 헤즐넛, 피스타치오가 쓰이기도 했다.

드롭프스, 드라제, 봉봉, 누가에 이르기까지는 오로지 설탕만으로 만들거나 설탕에 견과를 넣어 만들었었다. 그러나 차츰 유제품이 발달하면서 캔디분야에 응용되기 시작했다. 그결과 탄생 한것이 타피(Toffee) 와 캬라멜이다. 타피는 설탕, 물엿, 버터로 만들어졌으며 그뒤를 이어 설탕, 연유로 만든 캬라멜이 뒤따라 등장했다. 이후 전분당이 개발되면서 캔디에도 적용하게 되었고 그 결과 오늘날과 같은 하드캔디, 젤리, 캬라멜이 탄생하게 되었다.



설탕의 원료인 사탕수수는 벼과 다년초로서 쿠바, 태국, 호주 등 연평균 기온이 20℃ 이상인 열대, 아열대 지역에서 재배되며 줄기에 10~20%의 당분이 들어 있다.

설탕을 처음 제조한 곳은 인도지만 사탕수수가 처음 재배된 곳은 태평양 남서부의 뉴기니(New Guinea) 섬이다. 호주 바로 위에 위치해 오세아니아 주로 분류되는 이 섬은 현재, 서부는 아시아 국가인 인도네시아에 속하고, 동부는 파푸아뉴기니로 불린다. 뉴기니 섬의 사탕수수 경작은 기원전 8000년경에 시작된 것으로 알려져 있다.

사탕수수는 이어서 뉴기니 섬 바로 동쪽에 자리잡은 솔로몬 제도로, 다시 동남쪽의 뉴헤브리디즈, 그리고 뉴칼레도니아로 퍼져 나갔다. 기원전 6000년경에 서쪽으로 이동하기 시작해 인도네시아와 필리핀을 거쳐서 마침내 설탕 생산의 원조국인 인도에 도착했다.

최초의 설탕 생산국, 인도

기원전 4세기에 이미 인도에서는 설탕을 제조하고 있었다. 기원전 327년 알렉산더가 인도를 침략했을 때 알렉산더 군대의 사령관인 네아르쿠스(Nearchus) 장군은 벌의 도움 없이도 갈대의 줄기에서 꿀을 만들 수 있다는 사실에 놀랐다. 그는 사탕수수를 가리켜 ‘꿀벌 없이 꿀을 만드는 갈대(reed)’라고 했다. 기원전 320년에 인도를 다녀온 그리스인 메가스테네스는 설탕을 ‘돌꿀(stone honey)’이라고 소개했다. 돌이라고 표현한 것으로 보아, 그때 이미 액체 상태의 사탕수수즙이 아닌 결정화된 상태의 설탕이 생산되고 있었음을 말해준다. 사탕수수즙을 끓이고 햇볕에 말려서 만든 이 덩어리는 요즘처럼 고도의 기술로 정제되지 않은 조야한 수준의 설탕으로 원당(原糖)에 가깝다고 할 수 있다. 인도에서 설탕을 제조하는 과정에 대한 기록은 5세기의 힌두교 종교 문헌들에 나타난다. 수액을 끓이고 당밀을 만들고 설탕 덩어리를 굴린다는 표현들이 종교적 가르침을 설파하는 데에 비유되어 사용되었던 것이다.

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khayn With Latin U who is a D (Candy) the sugar "it means with Can" it will put in the frame and it hardens "with the end where dy" is combined the drop phu su, khya it will carry on shoulder, Jel li it is an end which names generically one cookie with the materials which is principal the back sugar. The place where the sugar cane which is a materials of the sugar is initially discovered around 200 years before era, is from the India area. After that 5~6 the century light sugar from India was propagated in China, Thailand and Indonesia places it passed by it was supplied the Middle East (Arabia) and in Europe. Arabia (buy central place of empire which it counts) from India it refined per all trillion to transport and (1 roadway it extracted from sugar cane and the sugar, sugar which is not refined) it made. The sugar cane (Sugar Cane) this India in the center nature to grow to initially like that in one area khayn Ji cu, the The Indus River basin residents chewed and the stem. The liquid which falls with the drop from the stem of this sugar cane received solar ten and in hardening gradually hardly and hin thu it got the fact that it made rightly is the sugar. This at once was Arabia and Italy and by the honey to be propagated in the The Mediterranean Sea coastal multi countries hold the sugar it substituted the place which it does from and various fruit sugar afforestation and the drop phu su was born and. Also is simple and the drop which is only a sweet taste phu su various Boo Jae Ryo (seasoning back) was added and with the today same drop phu su, cumulation, khya lya the back which it will carry on shoulder this it appeared and. Before the sugar is used to, the honey which is the possibility of getting from nature (sugar 2~3% and remainder the fructose and the gun gang u with it is becoming) with the sweet taste which it uses together widely with store function it was used. It takes care of health the fruit shell separately and it puts in to suspend when it puts and in the pocket and that juice is cool and Good it increases. This rightly Jel li (with to swell up, cul ley) became the beginning. From here boils down the fruit and the honey together and the juice which gets Good cause is to a fruit inside and pheyk thin (Pectin) it is polysaccharide because of high molecular is. To be like this the foodstuffs of the honey and the sweet taste which uses the fruit (generally pheyk thin me li pheyk thin with artificial flower which + mountain + sugar contents is appropriate to make, the burden) did the dessert cookie and a pulse of now together and this Jel Riga of the type which is various with base it appeared and. But the honey, there was an inconvenience to the use hour store back and it followed hereupon and the sugar where the use is convenient appeared and the sugar was substituted the role where the honey falls and. (One fruit puts in honey afforestation in concave one plate, one sugar afforestation to where wall it was irrespective.) It increased the sugar quantity after that little by little and the decision where the fruit which afforests is white in the surface got and to know a fact it became. Was the fruit which the fruit where the sugar decision gets together in the surface pickles the sugar rightly and this at once the shoe khayn became basic of the D. It will make at the beginning and the position thing will drive and ley used the shell which it drives ley it will bloom, (official name: khayn The D tu ley it drove and will bloom) was. Orange peel with the fruit of same type these people decorates in the cookie and after lu chu khey it is used with the blending material of Ig. ley It will drive and it will bloom "even as Italy shell" this it came to soak. The north Europe in order to intake the freshness one fruit winter long during winter must store the fruit. Is like that and the pulp which pulls this popularity which ley drives specially (vitamin C vast quantity containing) the juice inside U the shell to drink pickles and the sugar to do it lets long and this to get rightly from Italy and to come to bloom at the Europe various places, it is to go out. From here "the Italy shell" the term of endearment which is originated, to finally ley the pillow which it drives it was called and. ley It will drive and will bloom like after lu chu khayn it will connect the ramyon and after that that the D puts an emphasis in store of the fruit and, khayn the D sugar and with putting first it is to put an importance in the cookie function which is the possibility which it will enjoy a sweet taste. After lu chu khayn it is rear of the D and the fact that it appears the shoe khayn is the D. This the elementary quantity which it will ask in the sugar the moment to add after boiling down, temperature the daytime loach it is cool off and it hardens white, or, before the schedule one shape in one frame, it spills, it swells and and and it formed that it talks. It is opaque and the shoe enough is khayn the D the foot hold it comes out making rightly the drop phu su. The drop which colors an acidity and the shade of color back phu su immediately afterward the jewel and the seasoning came in from India and they started and this drop phu su with with the today to combine the same Gaj branch the drop of the shade of color which is transparent phu su was born and. The drop phu su it is after and the sugar cloth the mouth hin tu I (dragee) appear in the nut and. And tu it was after me and the syrup condition and the surface which get deceived induced the decisive anger of the sugar and the seal seal which they made hardly (bon bon: Playing tour by the cruciform army which goes in 13 century light eastern countries it made with the almond which the making burden) with it roasts initially and the honey and the syrup the position cumulation (nougat) was developed. The seal seal ' is good quite at France end and ', ' there is a taste and ' it is an intention, cumulation with Latin U trouble su (the nux: Hu two) with the original does it was manufactured at Hu two, it is damaged it transferred easily with the almond. He cul nes, the blood star hits is used did with the nut of that outside. The drop phu su, tu me, it reached to the seal seal and a cumulation and it gets peeled off it made, the nut it put in, it made in the sugar solely with only the sugar, or. The emulsion width advanced but and little by little khayn it is applied it was started in D field. The result it will carry on shoulder and with the other blood (Toffee) khya that it is born. Other the sugar which blooms, the water wheat gluten, it will be an after that to come to make with the butter it will make with the sugar and reason and khya will carry on shoulder and to follow it appeared. Per after starch this it will be developed and khayn it will apply with that result today to become it will be same and and the hard khayn D, Jel li, khya it will carry on shoulder and and and this it was born and and and even to the D and. Sugar. The sugar cane which is a materials of the sugar as the rice plant and the perennial herb Cuba and Thailand, the tropical region where the household head back yearly even temperature is above 20, it is cultivated from the subtropics area and 10~20% the sugar content is listening to in the stem. The place which manufactures the sugar initially only India Ji the place where the sugar cane is initially cultivated Pacific Ocean south-west bringing up for discussion nyu is long (New Guinea) is the island. The household head Oceania to be located rightly above this island which is classified mainly currently, the west belongs in Indonesia which is a Asian country, the east soaks the green onion phwu Oh nyu is long with. nyu Is long the sugar cane cultivation of the island before era is become known that it is started at around 8000. Was the sugar cane and nyu it is long the island rightly with the Solomon system which is located to the east, again nyu He of the southeast piece pu li the D cu, and nyu Calais it went round and Oh with to spread out it went out. It moves the west at around 6000 before era, it passed by Indonesia and Philippine Islands to start and finally it arrived to India which is an assistance country of sugar production. Initial sugar Production Bureau, India In 4 century before era it was manufacturing the sugar already from India. When 327 year Alexander before era invades India, help of punishment the possibility without of making the honey from the stem of the reed there is your Oh lu khwu su (Nearchus) general who is commander of the Alexander military force to fact it was yellow. He pointed at the sugar cane and the honeybee without the reed (reed) which makes the honey as the he did. India pebble honey (stone honey) as this it introduced the maul gas reel your su sugar which is a grease which gets back to 320 years before era. The pebble with the fact that it expresses, that time already the sugar of the condition which has become the decisive anger where is not the sugar cane juice of liquid state is produced to talk. The sugar cane juice it boils and it stops this lump which it made like now in the sun and there is a possibility of saying that with the leveling instrument sugar which is vulgar is not refined with technique of altitude in per the unit (Won sugar) it is near. Recording against the process which manufactures the sugar from India appears hin in two kyo religion literatures of 5 century. The sap to boil and to make to roll the place where the expressions express clearly a religion teaching to be compared, to be used the sugar lump and and the molasses and.
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본인 입력 포함 정보
khayn The D (Candy) it means the sugar with Latin U who is " Can " With it puts in the frame and it hardens " dy " Will carry on shoulder with the end which is combined the drop phu su, khya, Jel li it is an end which names generically one cookie with the materials which is principal the back sugar. The place where the sugar cane which is a materials of the sugar is initially discovered around 200 years before era, is from the India area. After that 5~6 the century light sugar from India was propagated in China, Thailand and Indonesia places the Middle East (Arabia) it passed by and in Europe it was supplied. Arabia (buy the central place of the empire which it counts) from India per all trillion to transport (1 roadway it extracted from the sugar cane and the sugar which is not refined) it refined and the sugar it made. The sugar cane (Sugar Cane) this India in the center nature to grow to initially like that in one area khayn Ji cu, the The Indus River basin residents chewed and the stem. The liquid which falls with the drop from the stem of this sugar cane received solar ten and in hardening gradually hardly and hin thu it got the fact that it made rightly is the sugar. This at once was Arabia and Italy and by the honey to be propagated in the The Mediterranean Sea coastal multi countries hold the sugar it substituted the place which it does from and various fruit sugar afforestation and the drop phu su was born and. Also is simple and the drop which is only a sweet taste phu su various Boo Jae Ryo (the seasoning back) was added and with the today same drop phu su, cumulation, khya lya the back which it will carry on shoulder this it appeared and. Before the sugar is used to, the honey which is the possibility of getting from nature (the sugar 2~3% and remainder the fructose and the gun gang u with it is becoming), with the sweet taste which it uses together widely with store function was used. It takes care of health the fruit shell separately and it puts in to suspend when it puts and in the pocket and that juice is cool and Good it increases. This swelled up Jel li (rightly and with cul ley) became the beginning. From here boils down the fruit and the honey together and the juice which gets Good cause is to a fruit inside and pheyk thin (Pectin) it is polysaccharide because of high molecular is. To be like this the honey and the fruit (generally pheyk thin me li pheyk thin it made with the artificial flower which + mountain + sugar contents is appropriate and the burden) the foodstuffs of the sweet taste which it uses did the dessert cookie and a pulse of now together and this Jel Riga of the type which is various with base it appeared and. But the honey, there was an inconvenience to the use hour store back and it followed hereupon and the sugar where the use is convenient appeared and the sugar was substituted the role where the honey falls and. (One fruit put in a honey afforestation in the concave one plate and one sugar afforestation the wall was irrespective to where.) It increased the sugar quantity after that little by little and the decision where the fruit which afforests is white in the surface got and to know a fact it became. Was the fruit which the fruit where the sugar decision gets together in the surface pickles the sugar rightly and this at once the shoe khayn became basic of the D. It will make at the beginning and the position thing will drive and ley used the shell which it drives ley it will bloom, (official name: khayn The D tu ley it drove and will bloom) was. Orange peel with the fruit of same type these people decorates in the cookie and after lu chu khey it is used with the blending material of Ig. ley It will drive and it will bloom " Italy shell " Even as this it came to soak. The north Europe in order to intake the freshness one fruit winter long during winter must store the fruit. It is like that and ley it drives specially and (vitamin C vast quantity containing) the pulp which pulls this popularity but the juice inside U the shell to drink pickles and the sugar to do it lets long and this to get rightly from Italy and to come to bloom at the Europe various places, it is to go out. From here " Italy shell " The term of endearment which is originated, to finally ley the pillow which it drives it was called and. ley It will drive and will bloom like after lu chu khayn it will connect the ramyon and after that that the D puts an emphasis in store of the fruit and, khayn the D sugar and with putting first it is to put an importance in the cookie function which is the possibility which it will enjoy a sweet taste. After lu chu khayn it is rear of the D and the fact that it appears the shoe khayn is the D. This the elementary quantity which it will ask in the sugar the moment to add after boiling down, temperature the daytime loach it is cool off and it hardens white, or, before the schedule one shape in one frame, it spills, it swells and and and it formed that it talks. It is opaque and the shoe enough is khayn the D the foot hold it comes out making rightly the drop phu su. The drop which colors an acidity and the shade of color back phu su immediately afterward the jewel and the seasoning came in from India and they started and this drop phu su with with the today to combine the same Gaj branch the drop of the shade of color which is transparent phu su was born and. The drop phu su it is after and the sugar cloth the mouth hin tu me (dragee) appears in the nut and. And tu it was after me and the syrup condition and the surface which get deceived induced the decisive anger of the sugar and the seal seal which they made hardly (bon bon: Playing tour by the cruciform army which goes in 13 century light eastern countries it made with the almond which the making burden) with it roasts initially and the honey and the syrup position cumulation (nougat) was developed. Seal seal at France end ' It is good quite, ' ' There is a taste, ' It is an intention, cumulation with Latin U trouble su (the nux: Hu two) with the original does it was manufactured at Hu two, it is damaged it transferred easily with the almond. He cul nes, the blood star hits is used did with the nut of that outside. The drop phu su, tu me, it reached to the seal seal and a cumulation and it gets peeled off it made, the nut it put in, it made in the sugar solely with only the sugar, or. The emulsion width advanced but and little by little khayn it is applied it was started in D field. The result it will carry on shoulder and the other blood (Toffee) with khya that it is born. Other the sugar which blooms, the water wheat gluten, it will be an after that to come to make with the butter it will make with the sugar and reason and khya will carry on shoulder and to follow it appeared. Per after starch this it will be developed and khayn it will apply with that result today to become it will be same and and the hard khayn D, Jel li, khya it will carry on shoulder and and and this it was born and and and even to the D and. Sugar. The sugar cane which is a materials of the sugar as the rice plant and the perennial herb Cuba and Thailand, the tropical region where the household head back yearly even temperature is above 20, it is cultivated from the subtropics area and 10~20% the sugar content is listening to in the stem. The place which manufactures the sugar initially only India Ji the place where the sugar cane is initially cultivated Pacific Ocean south-west bringing up for discussion nyu is long (New Guinea) is the island. The household head Oceania to be located rightly above this island which is classified mainly currently, the west belongs in Indonesia which is a Asian country, the east soaks the green onion phwu Oh nyu is long with. nyu Is long the sugar cane cultivation of the island before era is become known that it is started at around 8000. Was the sugar cane and nyu it is long the island rightly with the Solomon system which is located to the east, again nyu He of the southeast piece pu li the D cu, and nyu Calais it went round and Oh with to spread out it went out. It moves the west at around 6000 before era, it passed by Indonesia and Philippine Islands to start and finally it arrived to India which is an assistance country of sugar production. Initial sugar Production Bureau, India In 4 century before era it was manufacturing the sugar already from India. When 327 year Alexander before era invades India, your Oh lu khwu su (Nearchus which is commander of the Alexander military force) help of punishment the possibility without of making the honey from the stem of the reed there is a general to fact it was yellow. He pointed at the sugar cane and the honeybee without the reed which makes the honey (reed) as the he did. India the pebble honey (stone honey) as this it introduced the maul gas reel your su sugar which is a grease which gets back to 320 years before era. The pebble with the fact that it expresses, that time already the sugar of the condition which has become the decisive anger where is not the sugar cane juice of liquid state is produced to talk. The sugar cane juice it boils and it stops this lump which it made like now in the sun and there is a possibility of saying that with the leveling instrument sugar which is vulgar is not refined with technique of altitude per the unit (Won sugar) it is near. Recording against the process which manufactures the sugar from India appears hin in two kyo religion literatures of 5 century. The sap to boil and to make to roll the place where the expressions express clearly a religion teaching to be compared, to be used the sugar lump and and the molasses and.


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