질문 한글편지를 영어로번역좀해주세요ㅠㅠ
dg**** 조회수 125 작성일2004.01.29

그래도뭐자주자주만나니깐 뭐 별로보고싶짆않어
장난이고^^너가신흥여중에다녔음 그래도좋을텐데
너그학교별루않좋치..?그러니깐 신흥여중으로오렴
너하고정말 좋은친구였는데 너무너무아쉬워..
1학년때너무공부를 안해서 이제2학년도됬으니깐
공부열심히해서 반에서 10등안에 들려고...
이제개학도하니깐 학원을 다닐계획이야
너는 아카데미잘다니고있지?
중국을 가면 아카데미를 어떻게할계획이니?
너의계획을 말해줘..
이제나는줄여야겠다. 다시보는날까지
잘지내고 건강하고~
너의친구 혜진이로부터
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
탈퇴한 사용자 답변
hello hyey the position Oh! - is not small while closing the school Naess Ji? Me it is not small it puts out. your home appliance crane Gan Ji long? It is like that all but what it meets frequently frequently awareness what especially report Sip? Anh U play and ^ you about Sinhung came and went in but it will be good and theyn place hit kkap it acts but! That school star of you lwu Anh Joh..? Are like that about awareness Sinhung five lyem you are longed for plentifully in ~ Oh the truth! And your China it goes.. You China the now when when it goes it will not meet plentifully and theyn the thing Gat child where place I will be sad too much... It is like that but the liaison did flaw you frequently frequently and truth it was a good friend but it is inconvenient too much too much.. 1 grade time too much study also the inside printed style of writing recent 2 grades? u ni Awareness study the printed style of writing it holds eagerly inside the anti- from 10 backs... It conducts an effort eagerly, Ji.. Recently the dog student does awareness school the plan which will come and go is not coming and going Oh! the academy which it spreads out well? China the school which when goes it is a plan which it will do how? It talks your plan and it gives.. Recently me, it reduces, keyss all. Until the day when it sees again it is not small it puts out and it is healthy and ~ it is like that, Goodbye your friend hyey from position reasoning


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