질문 독해좀부탁합니다1
비공개 조회수 187 작성일2003.06.25
I can tell you now.

You recieved your son's call tonight. He use my mobile phone at that time.
But you don't have any reaction of that telephone number.
If you are any interesting of me, you had asked to him to hand over mobile to
me. I had expected it, but you disappointed me.

I am sorry I can't tell you above only.
Such behavior reflects upon your own character.
But I don't want belive it.

Best regards
Cho, Myung Rae
Residensed in KOREA

#Cho Mei Rai myung_rae 2002/09/18 22:45
題名:Is it over?

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 22:45:12 +0900
From: #Cho Mei Rai

Hyu Son and me, we finished to submit all documents to Myung Shin.

After then we took small dinner at pul-kogi restaurant which we take last time
with Mr. Seo manager of Myon Shin.

My flight schedule was informed you already. Can you come to Kim-Hae air port
or not?

I want to know it.

I ask you why you don't have small time to call on me.
It is very difficult to understand of me.

We are finish or something?
You don't need me any more, may be. It is just my thinking.

You are not of interest to me, may be.

Anyway I am waiting for your contact.
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
J yoon Ari
번역, 통역 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보
I can tell you now.
이제 당신에게 말할수 있어요.
You recieved your son's call tonight. He use my mobile phone at that time.
But you don't have any reaction of that telephone number.
If you are any interesting of me, you had asked to him to hand over mobile to
me. I had expected it, but you disappointed me.

당신의 아들에게서 오늘저녁에 전화를 받으셨군요. 그는 그때 나의 핸드폰을 이용했습니다.
하지만 당신은 그번호에 대하여 아무런 반응도 없더군요.
당신이 만약 나에게 관심이 있었다면, 당신은 아들에게 나를 바꾸라고 했었겠지요.
예상은 했었지만 실망스럽네요.

I am sorry I can't tell you above only.
Such behavior reflects upon your own character.
But I don't want belive it.
미안해요, 위의 내용밖에 할말이 없네요.
그런 행동이 당신 자신의 성격을 반영합니다.
그러나 난 믿고 싶지 않아요.

Best regards
Cho, Myung Rae
Residensed in KOREA
조명래. 서울 거주.

#Cho Mei Rai myung_rae 2002/09/18 22:45
題名:Is it over?
이게 끝인가?

Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2002 22:45:12 +0900
From: #Cho Mei Rai

Hyu Son and me, we finished to submit all documents to Myung Shin.
After then we took small dinner at pul-kogi restaurant which we take last time
with Mr. Seo manager of Myon Shin.
명신의 메니저인 서 선생님과 마지막으로 같이 갔던 불고기집에서 간단하 식사를 마친뒤
현순과 나는 명신(회사이름)에 모든 서류제출을 마쳤습니다.
My flight schedule was informed you already. Can you come to Kim-Hae air port
or not?
내 비행 스케줄을 벌써 알려드렸는데, 김해 공항에 올수 있나요 없나요?
I want to know it.
알고 싶군요.
I ask you why you don't have small time to call on me.
It is very difficult to understand of me.
왜 전화할 조금의 시간도 없는지 당신에게 묻고 싶군요.
나에게는 매우 이해하기 힙든일입니다.
We are finish or something?
You don't need me any more, may be. It is just my thinking.
우리가 끝난걸까요? 아님 무엇?
당신은 아마도 내가 더이상 필요없는 거겠죠. 내 생각 입니다.
You are not of interest to me, may be.
당신은 아마 나에게 관심이 없는 거겠죠.
Anyway I am waiting for your contact.
어쨋든 당신의 연락을 기다릴겁니다.


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