질문 대만 공항(짐 보관) 질문 영문 해석 부탁드립니다^^
oppa**** 조회수 1,236 작성일2012.06.14

If the airport had a luggage department that I could keep my luggage ?


Welcome to Taiwan. When you arrive at Taoyuan International Airport, you may submit an application to the custom officer for luggage depository at the custom hall. After the approval of your application, further procedures, listed as follow, will have to be done at the luggage depository services counter.


 1. To have your luggage weighed, for the charge is based on the weight of your luggage regardless its size.


 2. The charging standards(each case) are: NT$ 200 for luggage weighed below 12Kg, NT$ 250 for luggage weighed between 13Kg and 22Kg, NT$ 300 for luggage weighed between 23Kg and 32Kg, NT$ 400 for luggage weighed between 33Kg and 42Kg, NT$ 500 for luggage weighed between 43Kg or for valuable one.


3. A receipt will be given to you by custom officer at the service counter. Please keep good care of your receipt, for the receipt will have to be handed to the airline ground staff for the reclaim of you depository luggage when you check-in for departure.


4. Service hours: 24 hours We hope the above information can be of any help to you and wish you have a pleasant and safe journey.

프로필 사진


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프로필 사진
대만 2위, 여권, 비자 민원, 중국어 분야에서 활동
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카페 아름다운 섬 대만 포모사의 끼네끼네입니다.

질문자께서 대만국제공항인 타오위엔 공항측에 짐을 맡길 수 있는 곳이 있는지 문의하신 내용에 대한 답변을 받으신것 같군요.

If the airport had a luggage department that I could keep my luggage ?

Welcome to Taiwan. When you arrive at Taoyuan International Airport, you may submit an application to the custom officer for luggage depository at the custom hall. After the approval of your application, further procedures, listed as follow, will have to be done at the luggage depository services counter.

대만에 오신(실)것을 환영합니다. 타오위엔국제공항에 도착하시면 Custom Hall 에서 Custom Officer에게 짐을 맡기기 위한 신청서를 제출하실 수 있습니다. 신청서가 승인이 된 후, 짐 보관 서비스 카운터에서의 처리 과정은 아래와 같습니다. 


 1. To have your luggage weighed, for the charge is based on the weight of your luggage regardless its size.

1. 보관을 위해 무게를 측량합니다. 보관 비용은 크기와 관계없이 무게에 따라서 부과됩니다. 

 2. The charging standards(each case) are: NT$ 200 for luggage weighed below 12Kg, NT$ 250 for luggage weighed between 13Kg and 22Kg, NT$ 300 for luggage weighed between 23Kg and 32Kg, NT$ 400 for luggage weighed between 33Kg and 42Kg, NT$ 500 for luggage weighed between 43Kg or for valuable one.

2. 보관 비용은 다음과 같습니다. 

- 12Kg이하 : NT$200

- 13Kg~22Kg : NT$250

- 23Kg~32Kg : NT$300

- 33Kg~42Kg : NT$400

- 43Kg~? (혹 귀중품) : NT$500 (43Kg 이후 숫자가 빠진것 같습니다.)

3. A receipt will be given to you by custom officer at the service counter. Please keep good care of your receipt, for the receipt will have to be handed to the airline ground staff for the reclaim of you depository luggage when you check-in for departure.

3. (짐을 보관한 후) 서비스 카운터의 Custom Officer 가 영수증을 줄것입니다. 영수증은 다시 떠나실때 항공사의 지상요원에게  짐을 찾기 위해서 제출하셔야 하니 잘 보관하시기 바랍니다.

4. Service hours: 24 hours We hope the above information can be of any help to you and wish you have a pleasant and safe journey.

4. 서비스 시간 : 24시간. 위의 정보들이 도움이 되길 바라며 안전하고 즐거운 여행 되시길 기원합니다.


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