[Focus] Heightened Attention to Business Diversification Strategy of KT&G
[Focus] Heightened Attention to Business Diversification Strategy of KT&G
  • Chun Jin-Young / WikiLeaks-Korea
  • 승인 2018.10.26 17:29
  • 수정 2018.10.29 06:00
  • 댓글 0
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KT&G / WiliLeaks DB

KT&G that has had cigarettes as key items is actively developing business diversification strategies to seek new breakthrough, which is attracting high attention.

In case of the tobacco sector, KT&G plans to expand the business network with a two track strategy promoting 'cigarettes' and 'e-cigarettes'. In contrast, the competitor Philip Morris is understood to focus on e-cigarettes.

KT&G has had a dominant cigarette market share in Korea, but as the e-cigarette market is recently booming, its intention is to focus equally on both markets.

The competitor Philip Morris introduced e-cigarette 'IQOS' in Korea last year, which became a big hit. Thus, KT&G also introduced e-cigarettes 'Lil' in November last year, and started expanding its business network.

The sales of KT&G was 1.1181 trillion won and its operating profit 325.8 billion won in the second quarter of this year, which were decreased year-to-year by 3.8% and 15.7%, respectively. This reduction in sales was attributed to the poor performance in exportation of cigarettes. The exportation of cigarette, which accounted for 19% of the whole sales figure, was decreased year-to-year by 19.5%.

As the domestic regulations on tobacco products are recently becoming tougher and tougher, and aggressive advancement of foreign tobacco companies are intensifying, the market share of KT&G in Korea is shrinking.

In order to break through such circumstances, KT&G has been expanding its business area into real estate including housing sale, office development, investment and rental by utilizing its idle lands available for development, and recently even participating in shopping mall development to diversify projects.

KT&G is developing large scale 'Premium Complex Shopping Malls' in Sejong-si. It is building two shopping mall buildings, three office towers and an officetel building in Eojin-dong, Sejong-si, and their operations will be contracted out to AK Plaza. KT&G will take sales revenue from shopping malls, and AK Plaza will be paid for operation.

KT&G acquired land for distribution industry in the Grand Yupyeong region in Suwon jointly with Shinsegae Property that is operating a giant complex shopping mall 'Starfield', and signed an agreement on the establishment of a joint venture company. It will develop a large scale shopping mall jointly with Shinsegae Property. It has added commercial properties into existing rental and housing business.

A source in the business sector said "The reason that KT&G is developing real estate in addition to its main business of tobacco and red ginseng is for a strategy to secure a stable income source", and added "As as a matter of fact, KT&G has been investing in real estate finance including office and business hotels based on idle lands such as manufacturing centers and plant lands since a few years ago", and "The reason that it recently started investing in shopping malls is because complex commercial buildings equipped with shopping facilities are in the spotlight, and a building that houses a shopping mall is rented out quickly and so income is very good." 

Meanwhile, the sales figure in the real estate business of KT&G last year was 190 billion won, increased year-to-year by 2.9%. Its proportion in the whole sales (4.6671 trillion won) is still 4%, but its upward trend is steep. The proportion of real estate business has been increasing constantly from 2.53% in 2015 and 3.11% in 2016 to 3.17% in 2017.

KT&G / WiliLeaks DB

[포커스] KT&G 사업다각화 전략 관심 고조

궐련형 담배사업이 주력이던 KT&G가 새로운 활로를 찾기 위해 적극적으로 사업다각화 전략을 전개해 비상한 관심을 끌고 있다.

KT&G는 담배부문의 경우 경쟁사와 달리 '궐련담배'와 '궐련형 전자담배'를 투 트랙(Two Track) 전략으로 삼고 사업망을 확대한다는 계획이다. 반면 경쟁사인 필립모리스의 경우 궐련형 전자담배에 주력하겠다는 입장이다.

'궐련담배'의 경우 KT&G가 국내 시장 점유율에서 압도적인 우위를 차지해왔지만 최근 전자담배 시장이 활성화되고 있어 양측을 균등하게 집중해나간다는 것이다.

경쟁사인 필립모리스는 지난해 국내에 궐련형 전자담배인 '아이코스'를 첫 선보이며 선풍적인 인기를 끌었다. 이에 KT&G 역시 지난 11월, 궐련형 전자담배 '릴'을 출시하며 사업망 확대에 나섰다.  

KT&G의 올 2분기 매출은 1조1181억원, 영업이익 3258억원으로 전년 대비 각각 3.8%, 15.7% 감소했다. 이러한 매출 감소의 요인은 해외 궐련 담배 수출의 부진 때문으로 풀이된다. 작년 기준 전체 매출의 19%를 견인했던 수출담배의 매출이 전년보다 19.5% 역성장했다.

최근 국내 담배 관련 규제가 갈수록 강화되고, 외국 담배회사의 공세로 국내 시장점유율이 줄어들고 있는 상황이다. 

KT&G는 이 같은 상황을 타개하기 위해 그동안 개발 가능한 유휴 부지를 활용한 주택분양사업이나 오피스 개발, 투자, 임대사업 등 부동산 영업으로 사업을 확장해왔으며 최근에는 쇼핑몰 개발까지 나서는 등 프로젝트를 다양화하고 있다. 

KT&G는 세종시 대규모 ‘프리미엄 복합쇼핑몰’ 을 개발하고 있다. 세종시 어진동에 쇼핑센터 건물 2개동과 오피스타워 3개동, 오피스텔 1개동을 짓고 있으며 쇼핑센터 운영은 AK플라자에 위탁한다. KT&G가 쇼핑몰에서 발생하는 매출을 가져가고, 운영 대행 수수료를 AK플라자에 지급하는 위탁 운영 방식이다. 

KT&G는 대형 복합쇼핑몰 ‘스타필드’를 운영하는 신세계프라퍼티와 수원 대유평지구 유통용지를 공동으로 취득하고 합작투자회사 설립 계약을 맺기도 했다. 신세계프라퍼티와 손잡고 경기도 수원에 대규모 쇼핑몰을 개발한다. 기존 임대업, 주택사업 등에 상업시설을 추가한 것이다.

한편 KT&G의 지난해 부동산 사업 매출은 전년 동기와 비교해 2.9% 증가한 1900억원을 기록했다. 아직까지 전체 매출(4조6671)에서 차지하는 비중이 4%에 불과하지만 성장세는 가파르다. 부동산 사업 매출 비중은 2015년 2.53%에서 2016년 3.11%, 지난해 3.17%로 지속적으로 증가하고 있다.

[Translation Support=TransMecca]







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