질문 Marie-Laure de Noailles 발음 어떻게 하나요?
꽃소금 조회수 643 작성일2014.07.14

Marie-Laure de Noailles, Vicomtesse de Noailles (French pronunciation: ​[maʁi lɔːʁ də noaj vikɔ̃tɛs də noaj])


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Marie-Laure de Noailles

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Marie-Laure de Noailles in 1949, photographed by Carl van Vechten

Marie-Laure de Noailles, Vicomtesse de Noailles (French pronunciation: ​[maʁi lɔːʁ də noaj vikɔ̃tɛs də noaj]) (31 October 1902 – 29 January 1970) was one of the 20th century's most daring and influential patrons of the arts, noted for her associations with Salvador Dalí, Balthus, Jean Cocteau, Ned Rorem, Man Ray, Luis Buñuel, Francis Poulenc, Jean Hugo, Jean-Michel Frank and others as well as her tempestuous life and eccentric personality. She and her husband financed Ray's film Les Mystères du Château de Dé (1929), Poulenc's Aubade (1929), Buñuel and Dalí's film L'Âge d'Or (1930), and Cocteau's The Blood of a Poet (1930).



She was born Marie-Laure Henriette Anne Bischoffsheim, the only child of Marie-Thérèse de Chevigné, a French aristocrat, and Maurice Bischoffsheim, a Paris banker of German Jewish and American Quaker descent. One of her great-great-great-grandfathers was the Marquis de Sade, and her maternal grandmother, Laure de Sade, Countess de Chevigné, inspired at least one character in Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time. Her nephew Philippe Lannes de Montebello was the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City. Her stepfather was the French playwright Francis de Croisset, and her former sister-in-law, Jacqueline de Croisset, became the third wife of actor Yul Brynner.

After a brief romance with the artist Jean Cocteau, Marie-Laure Bischoffsheim married, in 1923, Charles, Vicomte de Noailles (26 September 1891 – 28 April 1981), a son of François Joseph Eugène Napoléon de Noailles, grandson of Antonin-Just-Léon-Marie de Noailles and younger brother of the 6th Duc de Mouchy (father of Philippe François Armand Marie de Noailles), himself a cadet of the French ducal house of Noailles. The couple had two daughters:

Laure Madeleine Thérèse Marie de Noailles, later Madame Bertrand de La Haye Jousselin (1924–1979);

Nathalie Valentine Marie de Noailles, former wife of Alessandro Perrone (1927–2004).

Marie-Laure de Noailles and her husband moved to the fabled hôtel particulier at 11 Place des États-Unis in Paris, which was built by her grandfather Bischoffsheim. Its interiors, which were redecorated in the 1920s by French minimalist designer Jean-Michel Frank, vanished in the 1980s, due to a subsequent owner's redecoration and remodelling. Today the interiors have been renovated by Philippe Starck and house the Musée Baccarat and the headquarters of Baccarat, the crystal company.

In the 1920s, the Noailles built the Villa Noailles near Hyères. She had an affair with the young Igor Markevitch. In the 1950s she had a long-term affair with the surrealist painter Óscar Domínguez.

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Marie-Laure de Noailles

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Marie-Laure de Noailles in 1949, photographed by Carl van Vechten

마히-로흐 드 노아이으, 1949년 Carl van Vechten이 찍은 사진


Marie-Laure de Noailles, Vicomtesse de Noailles (French pronunciation: ​[maʁi lɔːʁ də noaj vikɔ̃tɛs də noaj]) (31 October 1902 – 29 January 1970) was one of the 20th century's most daring and influential patrons of the arts, noted for her associations with Salvador Dalí, Balthus, Jean Cocteau, Ned Rorem, Man Ray, Luis Buñuel, Francis Poulenc, Jean Hugo, Jean-Michel Frank and others as well as her tempestuous life and eccentric personality.

마히-로흐 드 노아이으, 노아이으 자작 부인 (불어발음...출생 사망)은 20세기 가장 대담하고 영향력있는 예술 후원자 중 하나이다. 특히 살바도르달리..... 장 미쉘 프랑크와 다른 사람들 등과 협조로 알려져 있으며 또한 격정적인 그녀의 삶과 별난 성격으로도 알려져 있다.


She and her husband financed Ray's film Les Mystères du Château de Dé (1929), Poulenc's Aubade (1929), Buñuel and Dalí's film L'Âge d'Or (1930), and Cocteau's The Blood of a Poet (1930).

- 그녀와 그녀의 남편은 레이 (아마도 사진 작가 만 레이겠죠?) 의 영화 ... 등을 후원했다.


Biography[edit] - 전기 (편집)

She was born Marie-Laure Henriette Anne Bischoffsheim, the only child of Marie-Thérèse de Chevigné, a French aristocrat, and Maurice Bischoffsheim, a Paris banker of German Jewish and American Quaker descent.

- 그녀는 Marie-Laure Henriette Anne Bischoffsheim 라는 이름으로 태어났다. 프랑스 귀족인 Marie-Thérèse de Chevigné 와 파리의 독일계 유대인과 미국 쿼커(교회) 후손인 Maurice Bischoffsheim 사이에서 태어났다.


One of her great-great-great-grandfathers was the Marquis de Sade, and her maternal grandmother, Laure de Sade, Countess de Chevigné, inspired at least one character in Marcel Proust's In Search of Lost Time.

- 그녀의 선조 중 하나는 사드 후작이며 (프랑스 혁명 때 사람이고 새디스트 등의 원조 아시죠?) 그녀의 할머니 쪽, Laure de Sade, Countess de Chevigné 이 할머니는, 적어도 마르셀 프루스트의 잃어버린 시간을 찾아서의 인물 중 하나에 영감을 주었다.


Her nephew Philippe Lannes de Montebello was the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.

그녀의 조카 Philippe Lannes de Montebello 는 뉴욕 the Metropolitan Museum of Art 박물관 관장이다.


Her stepfather was the French playwright Francis de Croisset, and her former sister-in-law, Jacqueline de Croisset, became the third wife of actor Yul Brynner.

- 그녀의 새아버지 Francis de Croisset 는 프랑스 작가였고, 그녀의 시누이 Jacqueline de Croisset 는 배우 율브린너의 세 번째 부인이 되었다.


After a brief romance with the artist Jean Cocteau, Marie-Laure Bischoffsheim married, in 1923, Charles, Vicomte de Noailles (26 September 1891 – 28 April 1981), a son of François Joseph Eugène Napoléon de Noailles, grandson of Antonin-Just-Léon-Marie de Noailles and younger brother of the 6th Duc de Mouchy (father of Philippe François Armand Marie de Noailles), himself a cadet of the French ducal house of Noailles.

예술가 장 콕또 (매우 유명한 연극인) 와의 짧은 로맨스 후에 Marie-Laure Bischoffsheim 는 1923년 Charles, Vicomte de Noailles (26 September 1891 – 28 April 1981), 와 결혼한다. 이 사람은 François Joseph Eugène Napoléon de Noailles 의 아들이며, Antonin-Just-Léon-Marie de Noailles 의 손자이고, 6th Duc de Mouchy( Philippe François Armand Marie de Noailles의 아버지) 의 동생이다. 그리고 프랑스 노아이으 공작 가문의 아우이다.


The couple had two daughters: 이 부부는 두 딸이 있었다.

Laure Madeleine Thérèse Marie de Noailles, later Madame Bertrand de La Haye Jousselin (1924–1979);

- 나중에 Madame Bertrand de La Haye Jousselin (1924–1979);가 되는 Laure Madeleine Thérèse Marie de Noailles


Nathalie Valentine Marie de Noailles, former wife of Alessandro Perrone (1927–2004).

- Alessandro Perrone (1927–2004).(경제학자인가 보네요) 의 전 부인 Nathalie Valentine Marie de Noailles.


Marie-Laure de Noailles and her husband moved to the fabled hôtel particulier at 11 Place des États-Unis in Paris, which was built by her grandfather Bischoffsheim.

- Marie-Laure de Noailles 와 그녀의 남편은 전설적인 개인 주택으로 이사했다. 그곳은 파리에 있는 11 Place des États-Unis (파리 시내 주소) 이었고, 그녀의 할아버지 Bischoffsheim 가 건설했다.


Its interiors, which were redecorated in the 1920s by French minimalist designer Jean-Michel Frank, vanished in the 1980s, due to a subsequent owner's redecoration and remodelling.

- 그 집의 내부는 프랑스 미니멀리스트 Jean-Michel Frank에 의해 1920년대에 다시 꾸며졌다. 그리고 1980년대에 그 다음 소유자의 리모델링과 리데코레이션 요구에 의해 사라졌다. (주어는 그 건물 내부에요.)


Today the interiors have been renovated by Philippe Starck and house the Musée Baccarat and the headquarters of Baccarat, the crystal company.

- 오늘날 내부는 Philippe Starck 에 의해 리노베이션 되었고, 바카라 박물관이며 바카라의 본부인 집은 수정회사에 의해 리노베이션 되었다.


In the 1920s, the Noailles built the Villa Noailles near Hyères. She had an affair with the young Igor Markevitch. In the 1950s she had a long-term affair with the surrealist painter Óscar Domínguez.

- 1920년대에 그녀는 Hyeres 근처에 Villa Noailles 를 지었다. 그녀는 젊은 Igor Markevitch 라는 정부를 두고 있었다. 1950년대에 초현실주의 화가인 Óscar Dominguez 와 긴 썸씽이 있었다.


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