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정보가 없는 사용자 조회수 835 작성일2004.04.12
Bullet train marred by tech glitches

Less than a week in operation, the nation's bullet train service is faced with rising criticism, with technical glitches hampering some smooth trips between Seoul and Busan.

Several runs have reported power-supply problems resulting in delays and customer complaints. The Korean National Railroad, the train's operator, said it began probing into possible technical or operational defects Sunday and has strengthened a refund program for delays.

"We are very sorry about the delays. But so far, more than 90 percent of our high-speed service has been normal and on time, compared to the average success rate of 75 percent in France during the first six months of its high-speed operation in 2001," said Bae Eun-sun, a spokesman of the Korean National Railroad.

The railway operator is also considering offering a 3 to 5 percent discount in travel fare for customers who must face backward while traveling on the high-speed train. Regular class seats are fixed, so half of occupants must face backward. Seats in first-class compartments, however, can be rearranged according to the direction of travel.

"The 388-meter-long train cannot get turned for a come-back trip. If the seats should be rearranged every time we travel back and forth, it would be a costly job," said Bae.

Groups of disabled people demanded more seats for customers in wheel chairs, saying the two special seats available now in every 935-seat train are not enough.

Customers using conventional train services also have complained that their travel time has been extended and the number of daily trips decreased due to the high-speed addition to the rail network.

The Saemaeul Train, the fastest among conventional trains, stops up to 17 times during its Seoul to Busan trip, compared to seven stops before the bullet train began last Thursday. Only seven Saemaeul trains make the trip daily between Seoul and Busan, compared to the previous 18.

Korea began commercial service of the bullet train, dubbed Korea Train Express, or KTX, on April 1, for the fifth country in the world after Japan, France, Germany and Spain.

Under the new refund system, customers who experience delays of 25 to 50 minutes will be refunded 25 percent of their fare.

Those with delays of up to two hours would be entitled to a 50 percent refund. Travelers delayed more than two hours may receive a full refund, according to the train's operator.


By Kim Sung-mi

프로필 사진


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Bullet train marred by tech glitches
기술적 결함에 의해서 손상 받은 고속철도

Less than a week in operation, the nation's bullet train service is faced with rising criticism, with technical glitches hampering some smooth trips between Seoul and Busan.
운행 1주일도 안되어서 고속철도 서비스는 기술적인 사소한 고장이 서울과 부산 사이의 원활한 여행을 방해하면서 급증하는 비난에 직면하고 있다.

Several runs have reported power-supply problems resulting in delays and customer complaints.
여러 운행에서 전력공급에서의 문제발생으로 지연과 고객 불평이 보고 되었다.

The Korean National Railroad, the train's operator, said it began probing into possible technical or operational defects Sunday and has strengthened a refund program for delays.
철도운영자인 한국철도는 일요일에 가능한 기술적 또는 운영상의 결함들을 찾기 시작했고 연착에 대한 환불 제도를 확대하였다.

"We are very sorry about the delays. But so far, more than 90 percent of our high-speed service has been normal and on time, compared to the average success rate of 75 percent in France during the first six months of its high-speed operation in 2001," said Bae Eun-sun, a spokesman of the Korean National Railroad.
우리는 지연에 대해서 매우 유감이다. 그러나 지금까지 우리 고속철도 서비스는 2001년 상반기에 프랑스 고속철도 서비스의 75%의 평균 정상운행 비율에 비하면 90%이상이 정상적이었고 정시에 도착하였다. 고 한국철도 대변인 인 배은선씨가 말했다.

The railway operator is also considering offering a 3 to 5 percent discount in travel fare for customers who must face backward while traveling on the high-speed train.
철도운영자는 고속철도 여행 시에 주행 방향과 반대로 앉은 승객들에게 운임의 5-3%를 할인하여 줄 것을 고려 중이다.

Regular class seats are fixed, so half of occupants must face backward. Seats in first-class compartments, however, can be rearranged according to the direction of travel.
일반석의 의자들은 고정되어 있어서 승객의 반은 역방향으로 앉아야한다. 그러나 특실의 좌석은 여행 방향에 따라 재 배열 할 수 있다.

"The 388-meter-long train cannot get turned for a come-back trip. If the seats should be rearranged every time we travel back and forth, it would be a costly job," said Bae.
388미터 길이의 기차는 돌아오기 위해 돌려 질 수가 없다. 만약, 좌석들이 앞과 뒤로 여행 할 때 마다 재배열 되어야 한다면 비용이 많이 드는 일이라고 배은선씨가 말했다.

Groups of disabled people demanded more seats for customers in wheel chairs, saying the two special seats available now in every 935-seat train are not enough.
장애인 단체는 935석 기차 마다 이용할 수 있는 장애인을 위한 2개의 특별석은 충분하지 못하다고 말하면서 휠체어 승객을 위한 더 많은 좌석을 요구하였다.

Customers using conventional train services also have complained that their travel time has been extended and the number of daily trips decreased due to the high-speed addition to the rail network.
기존의 기차 서비스를 이용하는 승객들 또한 그들의 여행 시간이 길어졌고 매일 운행하는 기차의 수가 고속철도로 인해 감소했다고 불평하고 있다.

The Saemaeul Train, the fastest among conventional trains, stops up to 17 times during its Seoul to Busan trip, compared to seven stops before the bullet train began last Thursday.
기존 기차 중 가장 빠른 새마을호는 지난 목요일 고속철도가 운행되기 전에는 서울과 부산사이 운행중에 7번 정차한 것에 비해 지금은 17번 정차한다.

Only seven Saemaeul trains make the trip daily between Seoul and Busan, compared to the previous 18.
예전에는 서울과 부산사이를 18편이 운행하였지만 지금은 7번 운행한다.

Korea began commercial service of the bullet train, dubbed Korea Train Express, or KTX, on April 1, for the fifth country in the world after Japan, France, Germany and Spain.
한국은 4월 1일 일본, 프랑스, 독일과 스페인에 이어 세계에서 5번째로 KTX라고 명명된 고속철도의 상업서비스를 시작하였다.

Under the new refund system, customers who experience delays of 25 to 50 minutes will be refunded 25 percent of their fare.
새로운 환불 체계하에 25 - 50분 지연된 승객들은 운임의 25%를 환불 받게 될 것이다.

Those with delays of up to two hours would be entitled to a 50 percent refund. Travelers delayed more than two hours may receive a full refund, according to the train's operator.
2시간까지 지연된 승객들은 50% 환불 받게 된다. 2시간 이상 지연된 승객들은 기차운영자에 의하면 전액 환불 받게된다.


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