질문 영어문장해석좀
bvc3**** 조회수 291 작성일2007.03.21




The Shinkansen (also called "bullet train") is Japan's super fast train.


It can travel 270 kilometers per hour. Bullet trains are fast, comfortable, and quiet.


Thay are also very expensive. Tickets cost much more than tickets for local trains.






                              Local Train            Shinkansen


Tokyo to Nagoya / 6,000 yen    /             10000 yen

Tokyo to Kyoto    /   7,800 yen   /              13000 yen

Tokyo to Osaka  /   8,300 yen   /              13500 yen







보기:   kilometer        ticket          expensive           comfortable         travel



1. How much is a ______________ to Tokyo?


2. I can't buy it. It's too ____________.


3. I love your sofa. It's so ___________.


4. I want to ____________ to Korea one day.







Bullet trains ___________.


1. don't cost very much

2. only go from Tokyo to Osaka

3. are noisy

4. cost more than local trains




What's good about local trains?


1.They are not too expensive.

2.They are fast.

3.They cost a lot.

4.They are loud.




A ticket from Tokyo to Osaka on a local train costs ___________.


1.6000 yen

2.8300 yen

3.13000 yen

4.13500 yen




Which of the following is true?


1.There is no Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto.

2.The Shinkansen is faster than a bullet.

3.The Shinkansen can travel 270 miles per hour.

4.The local train from Tokyo to Kyoto costs less than 8,000 yen






1. Elephants are ________________ than mon keys. (bigger/smaller)


2. Shinkansens cost __________ than local trains. (more/less)


3. Aireplanes are ______________ than trains. (faster/slower)


4. Summers are _____________ than winters. (hotter/colder)







프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
대학 입시, 진학, 공무원 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

신칸센(일명 총알 기차)은 일본의 고속열차이다.


시속 270Km로 달릴 수 있다. 총알 기차는 빠르고, 편안하며 조용하다.


또한 가격이 매우 비싸다. 티켓가격은 일반 기차표보다 훨씬 비싸다.



                              일반기차                  신칸센


토쿄-나고야/ 6,000 엔    /             10000 엔

도쿄-쿄토/   7,800 엔   /              13000 엔

도쿄-오사카/   8,300 엔   /              13500 엔




보기:   kilometer        ticket          expensive           comfortable         travel



1. How much is a __ticket__ to Tokyo?


2. I can't buy it. It's too __expensive__.


3. I love your sofa. It's so __comfortable__.


4. I want to ___travel__ to Korea one day.







Bullet trains ___________. 4번


1. don't cost very much

2. only go from Tokyo to Osaka

3. are noisy

4. cost more than local trains




What's good about local trains? 1번


1.They are not too expensive.

2.They are fast.

3.They cost a lot.

4.They are loud.




A ticket from Tokyo to Osaka on a local train costs ___________. 2번


1.6000 yen

2.8300 yen

3.13000 yen

4.13500 yen




Which of the following is true? 3번


1.There is no Shinkansen from Tokyo to Kyoto.

2.The Shinkansen is faster than a bullet.

3.The Shinkansen can travel 270 miles per hour.

4.The local train from Tokyo to Kyoto costs less than 8,000 yen






1. Elephants are ___bigger__ than mon keys. (bigger/smaller)


2. Shinkansens cost __more__ than local trains. (more/less)


3. Aireplanes are __faster__ than trains. (faster/slower)


4. Summers are ___hotter__ than winters. (hotter/colder)


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