질문 급해서요ㅠㅠ해석좀해주세요
tprt**** 조회수 383 작성일2012.02.22

1. This is what China's fast track to the future looks like today: twisted, mangled wreckage and a government's reputation on the line.

2.The human toll runs to the hundreds, dozens dead, many, many more in hospital.

3. Investigators are blaming nature, a lightning strike stalling one bullet train while another rammed into the back of it.

4. Outraged Chinese are blaming manmade neglect and arrogance.

5. They see earth movers digging deep holes to bury the train wreckage and suspect a cover up.

6. Micro blogging sites are seething with anger.

7. Within 12 hours, more than two million people had lodged comment and criticism on Weibo, China's Twitter.

8. In an online poll of 30,000 people, more than 29,500 said they were not satisfied with the government's response to the crash.

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
번역, 통역, 대학 입시, 진학, 롤플레잉게임 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

1. This is what China's fast track to the future looks like today: twisted, mangled wreckage and a government's reputation on the line.

꼬이다: 이단어는 중국의 미래에대한 첫발을 비유한다.

2.The human toll runs to the hundreds, dozens dead, many, many more in hospital

병원에 사람의수는 100명 아니 수백명을 뛰넘고있다.

3. Investigators are blaming nature, a lightning strike stalling one bullet train while another rammed into the back of it.

수사원들은 자연을 비난하고있다. 한 줄기의 번개가 기차를 쳤다고 생각한다.

4. Outraged Chinese are blaming manmade neglect and arrogance.

화난 중국인들은 사람들이 만든 소외와 거만에 비난하고있다.

5. They see earth movers digging deep holes to bury the train wreckage and suspect a cover up.

그들은 열차의 잔해일을 덮어버리기위해 큰 구멍을 파는것을 보았다.

6. Micro blogging sites are seething with anger.

작은 블로그 사이트들은 화를 불러온다.

7. Within 12 hours, more than two million people had lodged comment and criticism on Weibo, China's Twitter.

12시간안에, 200만명 사람들은 웨이보라는 중국의 트위터에 덧글과 비판을 하였다.

8. In an online poll of 30,000 people, more than 29,500 said they were not satisfied with the government's response to the crash.

삼만명이 참가한 온라인 투표결과에  29500명은 그 사고에대한 정부의 답변을 만족하지 못했다고 한다.


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