질문 영어 독해 해석 부탁드려요!(내공 100)
정보가 없는 사용자 조회수 396 작성일2011.12.29
 Made in Japan

  Japanese products are admired around the world. For many people, the words "Made in Japan" symbolize quality and reliability. Cars and electrical goods are two well-known examples. However, some people criticize Japan. They say it does not have its own original ideas and products. Instead, it imports ideas and uses them to make new products. Then the products are exported to other countries.

  Maybe this perception is changing. Now, Japan exports many original products and ideas. Foods such as sushi, tofu, and miso soup are enjoyed in many parts of the world and their popularity is increasing. Japanese animated movies are gaining many fans, too. Japan also exports knowledge in the areas of agriculture, construction, medicine, and science. This knowledge helps the lives of people abroad.

  There are other examples of successful exports. Britain, the nation that invented the steam engine, has received its first bullet train from Japan. China already has japanese bullet trains and the number will increase for new lines there. The world's busiest crosswalk is in front of the Hachiko exit of Shibuya Station in Tokyo. Recently, Britain's busiest crosswalk -in the heart of London- was redesigned. It was modeled on the Hachiko crosswalk. This Japanese idea has become a hit, too!

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Made in Japan


Japanese products are admired around the world.

일본산 물건들은 세계적으로 높이 평가되어 왔다.


For many people, the words "Made in Japan" symbolize quality and reliability.

많은사람들에게 "일본산"이라는 단어는 품질과 신뢰성을 상징했다. 


Cars and electrical goods are two well-known examples. However, some people criticize Japan.

자동차와 전기에 관한 물건들은 잘알려진 예이다. 그러나 몇명의 사람들은 일본을 비난한다.


They say it does not have its own original ideas and products.

그들은 일본이 그들  본래 아이디어와 제품을 가지고 있지 않는다고 말한다.


Instead, it imports ideas and uses them to make new products.

대신에  수입된 아이디어를 새로운 물건을 만드는데 사용하고


Then the products are exported to other countries.

새로운 물건을 만들어서 물건은 다른나라에 수출한다고. 


Maybe this perception is changing. Now, Japan exports many original products and ideas.

아마도 이 인식은 바뀌고 있다. 현재 일본은 많은 창작물건과 아이디어를 수출하고 있다.


Foods such as sushi, tofu, and miso soup are enjoyed in many parts of the world and their popularity is increasing.

초밥이나,두부 그리고 미소 국같은 음식은 세계적으로 다수의사람들이 즐기고있고 그 수는 증가하고 있다.


Japanese animated movies are gaining many fans, too.

또한 일본의  애니메이션화의 영화는 많은 팬들을 얻고있다.

(animated movies 는 생생한 영화라고 하기 뭐해서 그냥 애니매이션화의 영화라고 썻어요..)


Japan also exports knowledge in the areas of agriculture, construction, medicine, and science. 일본은 또한 농업,건설,의약 그리고 과학 지식들을 수출하고있다.


This knowledge helps the lives of people abroad.

이 지식들은 해외에서도 많은 도움이 된다.


There are other examples of successful exports.

그곳에는 또다른 성공적인 수출의 예가 있다.


Britain, the nation that invented the steam engine, has received its first bullet train from Japan.

증기기관을 발명한 영국은 탄환열차를 처음으로 일본에서 받아들였다.


China already has japanese bullet trains and the number will increase for new lines there.

중국은 이미 일본산 탄환열차를 가지고 있고 새로운 철로 제작을 증가할것이다.


The world's busiest crosswalk is in front of the Hachiko exit of Shibuya Station in Tokyo.

세계적으로 바쁜 횡단보도는 Tokyo에있는 Shibuya역 출구 앞에있는 Hachiko 이다.


 Recently, Britain's busiest crosswalk -in the heart of London- was redesigned.

최근 영국의 가장 바쁜 횡단보도인 런던의 중심부분은 새로 디자인되었다. 


It was modeled on the Hachiko crosswalk. This Japanese idea has become a hit, too!

이것은 Hachiko 횡단보도를 본떠 만들어졌다. 이 일본의 아이디어는 역시나 히트치게 되었다.



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