질문 영어해석풀이부탁해요ㅜ.ㅜ
비공개 조회수 522 작성일2012.05.29

좀 많지만...해석이랑 풀이좀 오늘까지로 (밤에도 상관없음!!)부탁합니다 ㅜㅜ


28. Now the second leading cause of death in the United State, obesity is ________

in developed countries all around the world.

(A) increase

(B) increases

(C) increasing

(D) increased


29. While Mercedes is known for luxury and reliability, BMW vehicles boast ________ driving performance.

(A) superior

(B) anterior

(C) exterior

(D) interior


30. Corn Laws became politically important in the early 19th century ________ grain shortages and military blockades.

(A) because

(B) due to

(C) in order to

(D) to cause


31. Most re-makes of movies are not ________ the originals.

(A) as good as

(B) so good to be

(C) too good as

(D) much better as


32. Hundreds of homeless people ________ without food and water during the floods.

(A) have

(B) demanded

(C) went

(D) gone


33. The health benefits of long distance running far ________ the wear and tear on the joints and muscles.

(A) extend

(B) outweigh

(C) unbalance

(D) overemphasize


34. When traveling with ________, it's a good idea to write your name and phone number somewhere inside each bag.

(A) luggage

(B) lumber

(C) garbage

(D) rubbish


35. While the champion is a heavy favorite to defend his title, many people are betting on the ________, who is much younger.

(A) referee

(B) trainer

(C) outcome

(D) challenger


36. Ailing ballet dancers are often expected to perform, ________ with severe injuries.

(A) necer

(B) even

(C) coping

(D) still


37. During the summer, the pool will be open from noon ________ seven p.m.

(A) until

(B) by

(C) at

(D) and


38. If we don't have the model you are looking for in stock, we would be happy to ________ it for you from our catalog.

(A) send

(B) replace

(C) order

(D) take


39. The bullet train is the ________ train in the world.

(A) fast

(B) faster

(C) fastest

(D) most fast


40. ________ since I ran over some debris on the highway there's been a rattling sound under my right front axle.

(A) Because

(B) Never

(C) Even

(D) Ever


프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

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프로필 사진
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2023 쥬니버Q&A 분야 지식인 영어 1위, 영어 독해, 읽기 17위, 영어 3위 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

28. Now the second leading cause of death in the United State, obesity is ________

in developed countries all around the world.

(A) increase

(B) increases

(C) increasing

(D) increased

정답 : D

obesity(비만) 이 주어이므로, be 동사 + pp 형태가 정답입니다.


29. While Mercedes is known for luxury and reliability, BMW vehicles boast ________ driving performance.

(A) superior

(B) anterior

(C) exterior

(D) interior

정답 : A

메르세데스가 ~인 반면에 BMW는 ~을 뽐낸다 라고 해석되므로 superior(우수한) 이 정답입니다.



30. Corn Laws became politically important in the early 19th century ________ grain shortages and military blockades.

(A) because

(B) due to

(C) in order to

(D) to cause

정답 : B

문맥상 "~ 때문에" 의 단어가 와야하는 자리이므로 due to 가 정답입니다.

grain shortages and military blockades 가 명사구이므로 앞에 전치사가 와야 합니다.



31. Most re-makes of movies are not ________ the originals.

(A) as good as

(B) so good to be

(C) too good as

(D) much better as

정답 : A

not as ~ as ~ : ~보다 ~하지 못하다.



32. Hundreds of homeless people ________ without food and water during the floods.

(A) have

(B) demanded

(C) went

(D) gone

정답 : C

go without ~ : ~없이 견디다. ~없이 살다.

동사자리이므로 동사의 과거형인 C 가 정답.



33. The health benefits of long distance running far ________ the wear and tear on the joints and muscles.

(A) extend

(B) outweigh

(C) unbalance

(D) overemphasize

정답 : B

장거리 달리기의 건강상의 이점이 조인트와 근육의 마멸보다 더 크다.



34. When traveling with ________, it's a good idea to write your name and phone number somewhere inside each bag.

(A) luggage

(B) lumber

(C) garbage

(D) rubbish

정답 : A

luggage : 수하물, lumber : 잡동사니, garbage : 쓰레기, rubbish : 쓰레기



35. While the champion is a heavy favorite to defend his title, many people are betting on the ________, who is much younger.

(A) referee

(B) trainer

(C) outcome

(D) challenger

정답 : D

챔피언보다는 훨씬 젊은 도전자에게 베팅한다는 뜻.

heavy favorite : 강력한 우승후보



36. Ailing ballet dancers are often expected to perform, ________ with severe injuries.

(A) necer

(B) even

(C) coping

(D) still

정답 : B

심각한 부상이 있다해도 병든 발레 댄서가 여러번 연기할 것으로 예상되었다.



37. During the summer, the pool will be open from noon ________ seven p.m.

(A) until

(B) by

(C) at

(D) and

정답 : A

from ~ to ~, from ~ until ~ : ~부터 ~까지



38. If we don't have the model you are looking for in stock, we would be happy to ________ it for you from our catalog.

(A) send

(B) replace

(C) order

(D) take

정답 : B

찾고 있는 모델의 재고가 없다면 카탈로그에서 대체해 주겠다는 뜻...



39. The bullet train is the ________ train in the world.

(A) fast

(B) faster

(C) fastest

(D) most fast

정답 : C

the + 최상급 + 명사 형태임.



40. ________ since I ran over some debris on the highway there's been a rattling sound under my right front axle.

(A) Because

(B) Never

(C) Even

(D) Ever

정답 : D

ever since ~ : ~이래로 내내


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