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정보가 없는 사용자 조회수 2,738 작성일2018.06.18

Hello I would like to share with you my impression of traveling to Scotland.

I have had a lot of experience going to Scotland for the first time abroad when I was 17 years old.

When I first arrived at the airport, I saw it for the first time and was surprised by the environment I felt. It was like an adventure.

I am going to go shopping together, eat food, go camping together, sleep all together in the tent,
Going to the Celtic Stadium, watching football games, fishing, fishing, enjoying recreation, and many more memories and a better view of the world.

When I returned to Korea after my 20-day trip, I was so upset and tearful that I had to leave a lot of friends.

Because of the different nationality, different environment, and different ethnicities, many feelings came and when I arrived in Korea, I felt like I was dreaming and waking up from sleep.

The 20 day trip to Scotland was never forgotten. And it was the best trip.

프로필 사진


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Hello I would like to share with you my impression of traveling to Scotland.
헬로우 아이 우드 라잌투 수ㅖ얼 위쥬 마이 임프레션 옵 츄레블링 투 스캇ㅌ 랜드

I have had a lot of experience going to Scotland for the first time abroad when I was 17 years old.
아이 해브 해드 에이 랏 오브 익스피이리언스 고잉 투 스캇ㅌ 랜드 폴 더 펄스트 타임 어브로드 웬 아이 워즈 세븐틴 이얼즈 올드

When I first arrived at the airport, I saw it for the first time and was surprised by the environment I felt. It was like an adventure.
웬 아이 펄스트 어라이브드 엣 디 에어폴트, 아이 쏘우 잇 폴 더 펄스트 타임 앤 워즈 썰프라이즈드 바이 더 인바이로멘트 아이 뻴트. 잇 워즈 라이크 언 어드벤쳘

I am going to go shopping together, eat food, go camping together, sleep all together in the tent,
아이엠 고잉 투 고 쇼핑 투게더, 이트 푸드, 고 캠핑 투게더, 슬립 올 투게더 인 더 텐트

Going to the Celtic Stadium, watching football games, fishing, fishing, enjoying recreation, and many more memories and a better view of the world.
고잉 투 더 셀틱 스태이디움, 워칭 풋볼 게임즈, 삐슁, 삐슁, 인조이잉 리크리에이션, 앤드 매니 모어 메모리즈 앤드 어 배럴 뷰 오브 더 월드

When I returned to Korea after my 20-day trip, I was so upset and tearful that I had to leave a lot of friends.
웬 아이 리턴드 투 코리아 애프털 마이 트웨니-데이 트립, 아이 워즈 쏘 업셋 앤 티얼풀 댓 아이 해드 투 리브 어 랏 옵 프렌즈

Because of the different nationality, different environment, and different ethnicities, many feelings came and when I arrived in Korea, I felt like I was dreaming and waking up from sleep.
비커우즈 옵 더 디프런트 내셔날리티, 디프런트 인바이로멘트, 앤드 디프런트 이쓰닉시디스(여기는 없는 단어인데 Ethnic 뭐 다른인종이라고 할려고 하신것 같아서 문법은 그러려니 하지만 이건 and from different ethnic group으로 바꾸시는게 좋을것 같다는 개인적 소감입니다.) 매니 필링스 케임 앤드 웬 아이 어라이브드 인 코리아, 아이 펠트 라이크 아이 워즈 드리밍 앤드 웨이킹 업 프롬 슬립.

The 20 day trip to Scotland was never forgotten. And it was the best trip.
더 트웨니 데이 트립 투 스캇ㅌ랜드 워즈 네버 폴가튼 앤 잇 워즈 더 베스트 트립.

음... 학원이나 학교 발표이신거 같은데... 문법이 좀 많이 나가셧어요. 원어민앞에선 안하시는걸 추천합니다.


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