질문 품사 구분 질문
비공개 조회수 242 작성일2018.10.16
1. He met the manager several times last week to juggle budgets. 

to juggle은 동사역할인가요 부사역할인가요?

2. The examiner tries to discern which is from a human and which is from a computer. 

to discern은 동사역할인가요 명사역할인가요?

3. After a brief moment of surprise, all the villagers at the banquet began to fling tofu into each other’s laps. 

to fling은 명사인가요?

4. She warned him not to intervenue when Suji talks. 

to intervenue 는 동사역할인가요?

5. He found it difficult to empathize with a working mother of three small children. 

to empathize 는 명사역할인가요?
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

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프로필 사진
영어 1위, 영어문법 22위, 영어 독해, 읽기 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보
1. He met the manager several times last week to juggle budgets. 
to juggle은 동사역할인가요 부사역할인가요?
-> last week까지 완성된 문장. 따라서  to이하는 부사적용법의 목적으로 부사구

2. The examiner tries to discern which is from a human and which is from a computer. 
to discern은 동사역할인가요 명사역할인가요?
-> 동사는 tries이고  to이하는 tries의 목적어로 기능하므로 to부정사의 명사적 용법

3. After a brief moment of surprise, all the villagers at the banquet began to fling tofu into each other’s laps. 
to fling은 명사인가요?
-> 역시 동사 began의 목적어로 기능하는 명사적용법

4. She warned him not to intervene when Suji talks. 
to intervene 는 동사역할인가요?
-> 목적어는 him. not to 이하는 목적보어인 형용사적 용법

5. He found it difficult to empathize with a working mother of three small children. 
to empathize 는 명사역할인가요?
-> it이 가목적어이고  to이하는 진목적어이므로  to이하는 명사적용법


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