질문 해석요!!!
바다워리어 조회수 503 작성일2014.03.06

  해석좀 부탁드려요!!!


   Juan watched the older boys play basketball every day.

How he wished he would grow taller! He was still too short.

Try as hard as he could, he just couldn't he just couldn"t

throw the ball into the net.


 The big boys played ball in an empty lot on a city street.

It had once been filled with garbage. The boys had cleaned it up.

They had saved their money to buy a ball, pole, and net. Not they came

every day to practice.


 One day the big boys had a surprise for Juan. They had found a used pole

and net just the right size for him. Now Juan is there every day, not

watching but playing.

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
지구과학 9위, 번역, 통역, 날씨 29위 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

   Juan watched the older boys play basketball every day.

How he wished he would grow taller! He was still too short.

Try as hard as he could, he just couldn't he just couldn"t

throw the ball into the net.

 Juan은 그의 첫째아들이 농구하는 걸 매일 바라보았다.

그는 아들의 키가 크길 얼마나 바랬던지! 그는 여전히 너무 작았다.

그는 할 수 있는 걸 다 해보았지만, 그는 공을 네트에 닿게끔조차

하지 못했다.


 The big boys played ball in an empty lot on a city street.

It had once been filled with garbage. The boys had cleaned it up.

They had saved their money to buy a ball, pole, and net. Not they came

every day to practice.

 큰 아이들은 도시의 길거리 빈 자차장에서 농구를 하곤 했었다.

한번은 쓰레기로 가득 찬 적도 있었다. 그 소년들은 이를 모두 치워냈다.

그들은 공, 골대, 그리고 네트를 사기 위해 저축을 했다.

그들은 매일 연습하러 오진 않았다. 


 One day the big boys had a surprise for Juan. They had found a used pole

and net just the right size for him. Now Juan is there every day, not

watching but playing.

 하루는 큰 아이들이 Juan을 보고 놀랐다. 그들은 아주 적당한 크기의

중고 골대와 네트를 발견했다. 이제 Juan은 매일 그 곳에 가서, 구경만 하는 게 아니라

직접 (농구를) 한다.


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