질문 영어번역!! 내공 올인~ 급해요 빨리요 ㅠ
eu**** 조회수 824 작성일2006.10.20

A little later, I was invited to collaborate in translating Yi Mun-yol’s novel “The Poet” which is based on the true life-story of the 19th-century wandering poet known as Kim Sakkat. Born into a high-class Yangban family, while he was still a boy, his grandfather was executed for supporting rebels in the region he was administering and the family lost its social rights. The boy, an innocent victim of his grandfather’s act, became a poet whose works were full of satire and mockery of the corruptions of the privileged classes. The poor people of the villages he visited loved his poems and memorized them. The novel turns this into a meditation on the nature of the relationship of art and society but it derives part of its power from an awareness that the author’s father chose to support the Communist side and freely went North where he became quite a prominent official, abandoning wife and children in the South where they had to suffer black-listing and fierce discrimination in the as “the family of a pro-Communist traitor” in the decades after the war.


The writer whose work I have mainly translated, though only 2 volumes have so far been published, is Ko Un, undoubtedly a controversial figure in Korea but by far the best known Korean writer in the world at large with a long list of readings given in almost every continent and translations in many languages; he just got back from a seminar devoted to his work in Sweden. Yet his biography includes the following evocation of his life as a teenager during the war: “He witnessed family members being killed. He witnessed them killing each other. He witnessed friends, neighbors, and his first love being killed. He was forced to transport dead bodies, carrying them on his back for many nights.  These experiences brought him to the edge of mental breakdown, to attempted suicide. He lost the hearing in one ear, after pouring poison into it.” He became a Buddhist monk for about ten years then returned to the world. The following years were full of torment and black despair, culminating in a nearly successful suicide attempt in 1970. Reading by chance a couple of years later about a young laborer who had killed himself as a protest against the exploitation of his fellow workers, Ko Un realized the falsehood of his own suicide-attempts and he was reborn as an activist in the struggle against Park Chung-hee’s dictatorship. Arrested on the fateful night of May 18 1980, he was sentenced to life imprisonment by a court-martial and only released in 1982. He then rewrote all the poems he had previously published in a spirit of purification and repentance, married and moved away from Seoul to write most of the 120 or more volumes he has so far published, including the 15 volumes of Maninbo.


Headmaster Abe


Headmaster Abe Sudomu, from Japan:

a fearsome man, with his round glasses,

fiery-hot like hottest pimentos.

When he came walking clip-clop down the hallway

with the clacking sound of his slippers

cut out of a pair of old boots,

he cast a deathly hush over every class.

In my second year during ethics class

he asked us what we hoped to become in the future.

Kids replied:

I want to be a general in the Imperial Army!

I want to become an admiral!

I want to become another Yamamoto Isoroko!

I want to become a nursing orderly!

I want to become a mechanic in a plane factory

and make planes

to defeat the American and British devils!

Then Headmaster Abe asked me to reply.

I leaped to my feet:

I want to become the Emperor!

Those words were no sooner spoken

than a thunderbolt fell from the blue above:

You have formally blasphemed the venerable name

of his Imperial Majesty: you are expelled this instant!

On hearing that, I collapsed into my seat.

But the form-master pleaded,

my father put on clean clothes and came and pleaded,

and by the skin of my teeth, instead of expulsion,

I was punished by being sent to spend a few months

sorting through a stack of rotten barley

that stood in the school grounds,

separating out the still useable grains.

I was imprisoned every day in a stench of decay

and there, under scorching sun and in beating rain,

I realized I was all alone in the world.

Soon after those three months of punishment were over,

during ethics class Headmaster Abe said:

We're winning, we're winning, we're winning!

Once the great Japanese army has won the war, in the future

you peninsula people will go to Manchuria, go to China,

and take important positions in government offices!

That's what he said.

Then a B-29 appeared,

and as the silver 4-engined plane passed overhead

our Headmaster cried out in a big voice:

They're devils! That's the enemy! he cried fearlessly.

But his shoulders drooped.

His shout died away into a solitary mutter.

August 15 came. Liberation.

He left for Japan in tears.



But above all Chon Sang Pyong, who died in 1993 before I could ever meet him, has become my close companion and I am well-known for my constant frequentation of the Kwichon tea house in Insadong run since 1985 by his widow, Mok Sun-ok. To have written this, his best-known poem, in 1970 – only 3 years after being arrested and horribly tortured for no reason and at a time when he was very seriously ill both physically and psychically – to say that this world is beautiful, reveals a very special degree of human vision. That is Korea for me.


I'll go back to heaven again.

Hand in hand with the dew

that melts at a touch of the dawning day,


I'll go back to heaven again.

With the dusk, together, just we two,

at a sign from a cloud after playing on the slopes


I'll go back to heaven again.

At the end of my outing to this beautiful world

I'll go back and say: It was beautiful. . . .

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
번역, 통역 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

A little later , I was invited to collaborate in translating Yi Mun-yol's novel " The Poet " which is based on the true life-story of the 19th - century wandering poet known as Kim Sakkat .
조금 더 늦다, 나는 19번째의 사실인 life-story에 바탕을 둔 Yi Mun-yol 소설 " The poet "을 번역하는 것에 공동으로 일하도록 권유받았습니다 - 세기 알고 있는 시인을 방랑하는 것 Kim Sakkat.
Born into a high-class Yangban family , while he was still a boy , his grandfather was executed for supporting rebels in the region he was administering and the family lost its social rights .
그가 여전히 소년이었던 동안 high-class Yangban 가족에 태어납니다, 그의 할아버지는 그가 관리하고 있었던 지방에서 반역자들을 쓰러지지 않게 해 두는 것에 대하여 실행되었습니다 그리고 가족 잃다 그것의 사회적인 권리.
The boy , an innocent victim of his grandfather's act , became a poet whose works were full of satire and mockery of the corruptions of the privileged classes .
그 소년(그의 할아버지의 행동의 결백한 희생자)은 공사가 특권이 있는 클래스들의 부패들의 풍자 그리고 비웃음으로 가득찼던 시인이 되었습니다.
The poor people of the villages he visited loved his poems and memorized them .
그가 방문하였던 마을들의 가난한 사람들은 그의 시를 사랑하였고 그들을 기억하였습니다.
The novel turns this into a meditation on the nature of the relationship of art and society but it derives part of its power from an awareness that the author's father chose to support the Communist side and freely went North where he became quite a prominent official , abandoning wife and children in the South where they had to suffer black-listing and fierce discrimination in the as " the family of a pro-Communist traitor " in the decades after the war .
소설은 예술과 사회의 관계의 특징에 심사숙고로 이것 변합니다 그러나 저자의 아버지가 공산주의자 측면을 지탱하는 것을 선택하였고 그리고 자유롭게 그가 매우 저명한 공무원이 되었던 장소에 북쪽을 갔던 것은 앎으로부터 그것의 동력의 부분을 끌어 냅니다 , 그리고 그들이 안에 black-listing과 지독한 구별을 견디어야만 하는 장소에 남쪽에서 아내와 아이를 버립니다 , 전쟁후에 수십년에 " 찬성하여 공산주의 반역자의 가족 "으로서.
The writer whose work I have mainly translated , though only 2 volumes have so far been published , is Ko Un , undoubtedly a controversial figure in Korea but by far the best known Korean writer in the world at large with a long list of readings given in almost every continent and translations in many languages ; he just got back from a seminar devoted to his work in Sweden .
나는 주로 유일한 2권이 지금까지 발표되었지만 작가 공사를 번역하였습니다, Ko Un입니다, 틀림없이 한국에서 토론을 좋아한 인물 그러나 아주 훌륭하다 잡히지 않고 긴것과 세계에서 그 한국인 작가 알고 있다 많은 언어에 거의 모든 대륙과 병진운동을 제출한 문서의 목록에 오른다; 그는 단지 스웨덴에서 그의 공사에 전념한 세미나로부터 돌아갔습니다.
Yet his biography includes the following evocation of his life as a teenager during the war : " He witnessed family members being killed . He witnessed them killing each other . He witnessed friends , neighbors , and his first love being killed . He was forced to transport dead bodies , carrying them on his back for many nights . These experiences brought him to the edge of mental breakdown , to attempted suicide . He lost the hearing in one ear , after pouring poison into it . "
그러나, 그의 전기는 싸움동안에 십대로서 그의 수명의 다음 불러 일으킴을 포함합니다 : " 그는 죽은 가족 일원들을 목격하였습니다. 그는 서로 죽인 그들을 목격하였습니다. 그는 친구, 이웃, 그리고 그의 1번째 연인은 죽습니다를 목격하였습니다. 그는 죽은 신체들을 이동시킨 것을 강요받았습니다 , 그리고 여러 밤동안 그의 백으로 그들을 운반합니다. 이 경험은 그를 시도된 자살행위에 정신 방전의 경계에 데려왔습니다. 그는 그 뒤로 1개의 귀에 청력 그것을 잃었습니다 , 그것안으로 아주 독한 술을 따르시오 ".
He became a Buddhist monk for about ten years then returned to the world .
그는 대략 10년 그 때동안 세계에 돌아온 불교도 수사가 되었습니다.
The following years were full of torment and black despair , culminating in a nearly successful suicide attempt in 1970 .
다음 여러해는 1970년에 거의 성공적인 자살행위 시도에 절정에 달하면서 고통과 검정 절망으로 가득찼습니다.
Reading by chance a couple of years later about a young laborer who had killed himself as a protest against the exploitation of his fellow workers , Ko Un realized the falsehood of his own suicide-attempts and he was reborn as an activist in the struggle against Park Chung-hee's dictatorship .
나중에 그의 사람 일손들의 이용에 대해서 항의로서 자살하였던 젊은 출역에 대하여 2 내지 3년을 우연히 예언한 후 Ko Un은 그 자신의 suicide-attempts의 거짓을 깨달았습니다 그리고 그는 Park Chung-hee 독재국에 대해서 싸움에 행동주의자로서 다시 태어났습니다.
Arrested on the fateful night of May 18 1980 , he was sentenced to life imprisonment by a court-martial and only released in 1982 .
1980년 5월 18일로 중대한 밤에 체포되어서, 그는 군법회의에 의해 종신형에 그리고 오직 판결이 내려졌습니다 , 1982년에 풀립니다.
He then rewrote all the poems he had previously published in a spirit of purification and repentance , married and moved away from Seoul to write most of the 120 or more volumes he has so far published , including the 15 volumes of Maninbo .
그 그 다음에 고쳐 쓰다 모든 그가 이전에 몸을 정화하는 의식의 정신 그리고 후회에 출판하였던 시, 그가 지금까지 Maninbo의 15권을 포함하여 출판하였던 120 또는 더 많은 책의 대부분을 쓰기 위하여 서울로부터 결혼하였고 떨어져서 움직이었으십시요.
Headmaster Abe
교장 Abe.
Headmaster Abe Sudomu , from Japan :
일본출신 교장 Abe Sudomu : .
a fearsome man , with his round glasses ,
그의 둥근 유리를 가지고 무서운 사람.
fiery-hot like hottest pimentos .
fiery-hot는 가장 뜨거운 서양고추들을 좋아합니다.
When he came walking clip-clop down the hallway
그가 현관 아래로 말굽소리를 걸어가면서 왔을 때.
with the clacking sound of his slippers
그의 슬리퍼들의 딸깍거린 음으로.
cut out of a pair of old boots ,
한 벌 옛날에서 벤은 부츠를 시십시요, .
he cast a deathly hush over every class .
그는 죽은 듯이 쉿 위쪽에 모든 클래스를 던졌습니다.
In my second year during ethics class
윤리 클래스동안에 나의 2번째 해에.
he asked us what we hoped to become in the future .
그는 되다 미래에 우리들에게 우리들이 무엇을 희망하였던지 물었습니다.
Kids replied :
아이들은 대답하였습니다 : .
I want to be a general in the Imperial Army !
나는 황제 군대에서 일반이기를 원하는군요!
I want to become an admiral !
나는 사령관이 되기를 원하는군요!
I want to become another Yamamoto Isoroko !
나는 또 다른 Yamamoto Isoroko로 되기를 원하는군요!
I want to become a nursing orderly !
나는 수유한 전령이 되기를 원하는군요!
I want to become a mechanic in a plane factory
나는 대패 공장에 건설 기계 운전 기사가 되기를 원합니다.
and make planes
그리고, 대패들을 만들으십시요.
to defeat the American and British devils !
미국 그리고 영국 악마들을 쳐부수기 위하여!
Then Headmaster Abe asked me to reply .
그 다음에 교장 Abe는 내가 대답하도록 요구하였습니다.
I leaped to my feet :
나는 나의 발들에 뛰였습니다 : .
I want to become the Emperor !
나는 황제처럼 되기를 원하는군요!
Those words were no sooner spoken
그 단어는 더 곧 말해지지 않았습니다.
than a thunderbolt fell from the blue above :
 : .
You have formally blasphemed the venerable name
당신은 정식으로 훌륭한 이름을 불경한 언사를 썼습니다.
of his Imperial Majesty : you are expelled this instant !
그의 황제 왕중 : 당신은 쫓겨나는군요 , 이 인스턴트 식품.
On hearing that , I collapsed into my seat .
그것을 듣자마자, 나는 나의 자리에 무너졌습니다.
But the form-master pleaded ,
그러나, 학급 담임선생은 변호하였습니다, .
my father put on clean clothes and came and pleaded ,
나의 아버지는 깨끗한 옷을 입습니다 그리고 왔고 변호하였습니다, .
and by the skin of my teeth , instead of expulsion ,
그리고, 나의 이의 껍질 옆에, 추방대신에.
I was punished by being sent to spend a few months
존재가 내가 보냈던 것을 벌하였던 것은 몇 월을 씁니다.
sorting through a stack of rotten barley
썩은 보리의 수직관을 통하여 조화되는 것.
that stood in the school grounds ,
그것은 학교 지반들에 섰습니다, .
separating out the still useable grains .
조용한 사용할 수 있는 나뭇결들 밖에 분리하는 것.
I was imprisoned every day in a stench of decay
나는 감쇠의 악취에 매일 투옥되었습니다.
and there , under scorching sun and in beating rain ,
그리고, 거기에서 태양을 시들게 하고 비를 치는 것의 밑에.
I realized I was all alone in the world .
나는 세계에서 혼자서 있었던 것을 깨달았습니다.
Soon after those three months of punishment were over ,
곧 처벌의 그 3개월후에 끝났습니다, .
during ethics class Headmaster Abe said :
말해진 윤리 클래스 교장 Abe동안에 : .
We're winning , we're winning , we're winning !
우리들은 이기고 있군요,  우리들은 이기고 있습니다,  우리들은 이기고 있습니다!
Once the great Japanese army has won the war , in the future
일단 큰 일본 군대가 싸움을 이기었으면, 미래에.
you peninsula people will go to Manchuria , go to China ,
당신 반도 사람들은 Manchuria로 갈 것이고,  중국으로 갑니다, .
and take important positions in government offices !
그리고, 관청들에서 중요한 지위를 데리고 가십시요!.
That's what he said .
그것은 그가 말하였던 것입니다.
Then a B-29 appeared ,
그 다음에 B-29는 나타났습니다, .
and as the silver 4-engined plane passed overhead
그리고, 은 4-engined가 지나가 버린 간접비를 편평하게 하기 때문에.
our Headmaster cried out in a big voice :
우리들의 교장은 큰 목소리에 큰소리로 외치었습니다 : .
They're devils !
그들은 악마들이는군요!
That's the enemy !
저 사람은 적이는군요!
he cried fearlessly .
그는 대담 무쌍하게 울었습니다.
But his shoulders drooped .
그러나, 그의 어깨는 소침하였습니다.
His shout died away into a solitary mutter .
그의 큰소리는 고독한 중얼거림으로 잠잠해졌습니다.
August 15 came .
8월 15일 왔습니다.
Liberation .
He left for Japan in tears .
그는 케라들에 일본으로 떠났습니다.
But above all Chon Sang Pyong , who died in 1993 before I could ever meet him , has become my close companion and I am well-known for my constant frequentation of the Kwichon tea house in Insadong run since 1985 by his widow , Mok Sun-ok .
그러나, 무엇보다도 내가 언제나 그를 만날 수 있었기 전에 1993년에 죽었던 Chon Sang Pyong은 나의 친밀한 동료가 되었습니다 그리고 나는 그의 미망인(Mok Sun-ok)에 의해서 1985년 이후 달리게 된 Insadong에서 Kwichon 차 주택의 나의 끊임없는 빈번한 방문동안 유명합니다.
To have written this , his best-known poem , in 1970 ?
다 문자로 쓰다 이것, 1970년에 그의 가장 유명한 시?
only 3 years after being arrested and horribly tortured for no reason and at a time when he was very seriously ill both physically and psychically ?
체포되고 그리고 무시무시하게 무(無) 이유를 위해 그리고 물리적으로뿐만 아니라 심적이게도 그가 매우 심각하게 아팠던 시간에 고문받습니까?은후에 겨우 3년?
to say that this world is beautiful , reveals a very special degree of human vision .
이 세계가 아름답는 것을 말하는 것은 인간 비젼의 매우 특별한 학위를 누설합니다.
That is Korea for me .
그것은 나에게 한국입니다.
I'll go back to heaven again .
나는 다시 하늘에 돌아갈 것입니다.
Hand in hand with the dew
손에 손을 잡고 (70,이슬)을 가지고.
that melts at a touch of the dawning day ,
그것은 날 새벽녘의 접촉에 녹습니다, .
I'll go back to heaven again .
나는 다시 하늘에 돌아갈 것입니다.
With the dusk , together , just we two ,
황혼을 가지고, 함께, 바로 그 우리들 2, .
at a sign from a cloud after playing on the slopes
경사로들로 논후에 우울에서 사인에.
I'll go back to heaven again .
나는 다시 하늘에 돌아갈 것입니다.
At the end of my outing to this beautiful world
이 아름다운 세계에 나의 소풍의 끝에.
I'll go back and say : It was beautiful .
나는 돌아갈 것이고 말할 것입니다 : 그것은 아름다왔습니다.


맞는지 모르겟네요  'ㅅ'ㅋㅋ


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