질문 부시대통령 인종계열?
비공개 조회수 2,265 작성일2008.06.18

부시대통령 인종계열이 무엇이나요?


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프로필 사진


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본인 입력 포함 정보
The Bush family: President George W. Bush, First Lady Laura Bush, former First Lady Barbara Bush, and former President George H. W. Bush sit surrounded by family in the Red Room (White House) on January 6, 2005, together to celebrate the senior couple's 60th wedding anniversary. Also pictured are, from left, Georgia Grace Koch, Margaret Bush, Walker Bush, Marvin Bush, Jenna Bush, Doro Bush, Barbara Pierce Bush, Robert P. Koch, Pierce Bush, Maria Bush, Neil Bush, Ashley Bush, Sam LeBlond, Bobby Koch, Nancy Ellis LeBlond, Jeb Bush, Jr., former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Mandi Bush, George P. Bush, and Columba Bush)
현재 부시가문 중요가족사진입니다  대통령2명  부통령1명  2명의 주지사 미국최고의 정치가문입니다
Family tree (가계도)

The following is a selective family tree of notable members of the modern Bush family:

Obadiah Newcomb Bush
Harriet Smith
James Smith Bush
Harriet Fay
Samuel P. Bush
Flora Sheldon
Prescott Sheldon Bush
Dorothy Wear Walker
Robert Sheldon Bush
Mary Eleanor Bush
Margaret Livingston Bush
James Smith Bush
Prescott Sheldon Bush Jr.
George H. W. Bush
Barbara Pierce
Nancy Walker Bush
Jonathan James Bush
William Henry Trotter Bush
George W. Bush
Laura Lane Welch
Pauline Robinson Bush
John Ellis "Jeb" Bush
Columba Garnica Gallo
Neil Mallon Bush
Sharon Smith
Marvin Pierce Bush
Dorothy Walker Bush
Barbara Pierce Bush
Jenna Welch Bush
Henry Chase Hager
George Prescott Bush
John Ellis "Jebby" Bush, Jr.
Noelle Lucila Bush
Lauren Bush
Pierce Bush
Ashley Bush

The Bush family is of primarily English and German descent, in addition to small amounts of Welsh, Scottish, Irish, French, Norman, and Swedish descent.


부시가문은 영국계 독일계 조상으로써 후손들은 아일랜드 웨일즈 스코트랜드 심지어 스웬데까지 이주 거주하였음

미국이주최초의 가문조상은 리차드부시는  현재 동북부지방인  브리스톨영국식민지로첫이주 일가를 이루었습니다

  • Richard Bush (c. 1696 – 1732) in Bristol, Plymouth Colony) is believed to be the earliest known patrilineal member of the Bush family in North America.


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