질문 영어해석만해주세요!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!급해요ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
비공개 조회수 4,084 작성일2014.02.17

1. I asked a private hospital for help, but they refused to provide treatment for his mother.

2. Then one of my professors gave me an idea to publish the story in a newpaper asking for help.

3. He wrote a letter saying that a hospital is providing free medical treatment for patients with kidney problems.

4. But he only advised Vasanth to read the newpaper every day and serve the poor by informing them of the free services.

5. Every time I receive a wedding invitation, I go to a shop and buy an old-fashioned ice cream maker as a gift.

6. One day, one of them will happen to think of the ice cream maker.

7. Do you have trouble sleeping? In fact, billions of people around the world struggle with sleep disorders.

8. For many of them, getting a good night's rest is almost impossible, and it is mainly caused by stress.

9. If you suffer from a sleep disorder, register for this free seminar on sleep health.

10. We'll focus on teaching you several effective ways to deal with strees-related sleep problems.

11. Actually, millionaires are far more likely to be wearing old jeans and driving an old pickup truck.

12. They surveyed the rich in America and found that the main secret that they could be wealthy was modest spending.

13. In fact, eighty percent of millionaires in America made their fortunes in one generation. They didn't inherit their money fron their family.

14. The eruption buried Pompeii under 4 to 6 meters of ash and stone, and it had been lost for over 1500 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1599.

프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
영어작문, 영어 독해, 읽기, 번역, 통역 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보
1. I asked a private hospital for help, but they refused to provide treatment for his mother.
한 개인병원에 도움을 요청했지만, 그들은 그의 어머니의 병을 치료하기를 거부하였다.

2. Then one of my professors gave me an idea to publish the story in a newspaper asking for help.
내 교수님 중 한 분께서 신문 속 이야기를 출판할 수 있도록 아이디어를 주셨다.

3. He wrote a letter saying that a hospital is providing free medical treatment for patients with kidney problems.
그는 어느 한 병원이 신장(콩팥)에 질병을 갖고있는 환자들에게 무료 치료를 제공중이라고 편지에 적었다.

4. But he only advised Vasanth to read the newpaper every day and serve the poor by informing them of the free services.
하지만, 그는 Vasanth에게 매일 신문을 읽고 무료로 그들에게 알려줌으로써 가난한 사람을 도와주라고 권고하였다.

5. Every time I receive a wedding invitation, I go to a shop and buy an old-fashioned ice cream maker as a gift.
결혼식 청첩장을 받을 때마다, 난 상점에 가서 결혼선물로 전통 아이스크림 제조기를 산다.

6. One day, one of them will happen to think of the ice cream maker.
어느 날, 그들 중 한명에게 아이스크림 제조기가 생각날(떠오를) 일이 생길 것이다.

7. Do you have trouble sleeping? In fact, billions of people around the world struggle with sleep disorders.
잠 자는데 무슨 문제라도 있으신가요? 사실, 전세계적으로 수백만명의 사람들이 수면장애와 싸우고 있습니다.

8. For many of them, getting a good night's rest is almost impossible, and it is mainly caused by stress. 
그들 중 대다수에겐, 좋은 밤의 휴식을 갖는 것이 대부분 불가능합니다.
그리고 이것은 주로 스트레스에 의한 것입니다.

9. If you suffer from a sleep disorder, register for this free seminar on sleep health.
만약 당신이 수면장애를 겪고 계시다면, 수면 건강에 대한 이 무료 세미나에 등록하세요.

10. We'll focus on teaching you several effective ways to deal with strees-related sleep problems.
수면문제와 관련된 스트레스를 다루는 몇 가지 효과적 방법들을 알려드리는 데 집중하겠습니다.

11. Actually, millionaires are far more likely to be wearing old jeans and driving an old pickup truck.
사실 백만장자들이 훨씬 더 오래된 청바지를 입거나, 오래된 소형 트럭을 운전할 듯 하다.

12. They surveyed the rich in America and found that the main secret that they could be wealthy was modest spending.
그들은 미국 내에 있는 부자들을 조사했고, 그들이 부유해질 수 있었던 중요한 비밀은 보통수준의 지출습관임을 발견하였다.

13. In fact, eighty percent of millionaires in America made their fortunes in one generation. They didn't inherit their money fron their family.
사실, 미국 내 백만장자들 중 80퍼센트는 한 세대에서 그들의 재산을 벌었다.

14. The eruption buried Pompeii under 4 to 6 meters of ash and stone, and it had been lost for over 1500 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1599.
그 화산폭발은 폼페이를 재와 돌로 4~6미터나 뒤덮었고, 1599년 우연히 재발견하기 전에 1500년이 넘는 세월동안 잊혀졌었다.

도움이 되셨길 바랍니다. 숙제 열심히 하세요~


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