질문 그녀를 믿지 마세요 보신분!!답부탁!
miji**** 조회수 502 작성일2004.02.26
그녀를 믿지 마세요 보신분들!~

혹시 거기서 강동원씨가

기타 치면서 부르는 노래 있잖아요!

그 노래 제목 아시는 분~

꼬~옥 답변 부탁 드릴께요..////
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

1 개 답변
1번째 답변
프로필 사진
휴대전화 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

영화 "그녀를 믿지 마세요"에서

'희철'(강동원)이 부른 노래는..

Bread의 "Aubrey"란 곡입니다.


- Bread

And Aubrey was her name,
A not so very ordinary girl or name
But who's to blame
For a love that wouldn't bloom
For the hearts
That never played in tune,
Like a lovely melody
That everyone can sing
Take away the words that rhyme
It doesn't mean a thing

And Aubrey was her name
We tripped the light
And danced together to the moon,
But where was June.
No it never came around.
If it did
It never made a sound,
Maybe I was absent
Or was listening too fast,
Catching all the words,
But then the meaning going past,
But god I miss the girl,
And I'd go a thousand times
Around the world
Just to be closer the her than to me.

And Aubrey was her name,
I never knew her,
But I loved her just the same,
I loved her name.
Wish that I had found the way
And the reasons
That would make her stay.
I have learned to lead a life apart
From all the rest.
If I can't have the one I want ,
I'll do without the best.
But how I miss the girl
And I'd go a million times
Around the world
Just to say she had been mine
For a day.




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