질문 영작 부탁드립니다. 3. 대한민국의...
비공개 조회수 125 작성일2019.06.12
영작 부탁드립니다.

3. 대한민국의 8강 상대는 세네갈이었다. 피파랭킹 23위로 대한민국 보다 높았고 A조 1위로 올라왔기 때문에 만만치 않은 상대였다. 역시 먼저 득점한 나라는 세네갈이었다. 전반전에 골을 먹히면서 1대0으로 지고 있던 대한민국은 후반전에 이강인 선수가 페널트킥을 성공 시키면서 동점을 만들었다. 하지만 후반 75분 골을 먹히면서 4강 진출을 실패할 것 처럼 보였지만 90분이 지나고 추가시간에 이강인 선수의 멋진 코너킥이 이지솔 선수의 헤딩골로 연결 되면서 극적으로 동점을 만들고 연장전까지 갔다. 연장 전반에 이강인 선수의 패스로 조영욱 선수가 골을 넣으면서 3대2가 되었다. 이렇게 4강 진출을 하는가 싶더니 연장 후반 끝나기 직전에 골을 먹히면서 3대3이 되었고 승부차기까지 가게 되었다. 승부차기 끝에 골키퍼 이광연 선수의 활약으로 36년만에 4강 진출의 신화를 썼다.
프로필 사진


정보를 공유해 주세요.

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비공개 답변
3. South Korea's quarterfinal opponent was Senegal. He was a formidable opponent because he was ranked 23rd in the FIFA rankings and was ranked first in Group A. Senegal was also the first country to score. South Korea, which was losing 1-0 in the first half as goals were eaten, tied the score in the second half when Lee Kang-in scored a penalty kick. However, he looked as if he would not make it to the semifinals in the 75th minute, but 90 minutes later, Lee Kang-in's fine corner kick was connected to Lee Ji-sol's header and made it to extra time. Cho Young-wook scored on a pass by Lee Kang-in in the first half of the extra period, making it 3-2. He wanted to advance to the semifinals like this, but when he scored just before the end of the second half of the extra period, he went 3-3, and even a penalty shootout. After a penalty shootout, goalkeeper Lee Kwang-yeon made it to the semifinals for the first time in 36 years.


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2번째 답변
프로필 사진
사회, 도덕 46위, 메이플스토리 12위, 국어, 한문 94위 분야에서 활동
본인 입력 포함 정보

안녕하세요 답변드립니다

3. South Korea's 8th opponent was Senegal. He was taller than Korea in the FIFA Ranking 23, and he was a tough opponent because he was in Group A. The country that scored first was Senegal. The Koreans, who were scored in the first half with a goal of 1: 0, made a tie in the second half when Lee Gang-in scored a penalty kick. However, after 75 minutes, it seemed like he would fail to advance to the quarter-finals, but in the next 90 minutes, Ik Ji-in's cool corner was linked to Ijsol's header and dramatically tied it up to extra time. In the first half of the game, Kang Young-wook scored a goal 3 to 2 with Lee Kang-in's pass. I wanted to advance to the quarter-finals, and I was 3-to-3 when I scored goals just before the end of the extension and went to the penalty shootout. In the penalty shoot-out, goalkeeper Lee Kwang-Yeon played a myth of advancing into the quarter-finals in 36 years.

즐거운 하루 보내세요^^


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